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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. No
  2. This was not public knowledge.
  3. lol imagine thinking I'm biased towards Noble.
  4. 🤭

    1. lvy
    2. Horizon


      havent seen u in the ts3 in ages 😞😞 we know that o7 is coming soon 😢😢

  5. I don't know why people think I'm toxic.. 

    1. Masonn


      I got to honor 4 and got my account permed for toxic behaviour like a month later too many snowflakes on that game.

    2. bummm


      Proud of you!

    3. vedalkenn


      Oh I just hit Honor 3! Congrats Reformed man

  6. Creepy


    I thought you didn't @ me, but then I saw you did! Have a good IRL life bud
  7. Creepy


  8. I guess now is as good a time as any to say RIP @Sociopathic. We've lost members of our own community to suicide.
  9. PSA: You don't need to ask us for your ban evidence for normal bans. The evidence should show up in your Olympus Stats V2 at the top of the website. If for some reason your evidence doesn't appear there go ahead and put in a request for it, but unless there's extenuating circumstances (or we forgot to add it) it should be there!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Outcast


      17 minutes ago, Kedar said:

      @Outcast he going to take your senior admin spot 

      At this time we are going to have to decline your staff application. There are many factors that we use when deciding on who we allow to become a staff member and at this time there are some concerns. You are free to re-apply down the road if you like but bear in mind we do hold our staff members to higher standards then normal players.

    3. Kedar
    4. Kedar


      During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves.

      1. Exception: An active bank robbery
      2. A wave is finished when all officers have been killed or neutralized
        1. The last officer of a wave may surrender and become neutralized, and remain until reached by APD forces, then they must return directly  to the closest APD HQ.
        2. On the first wave to an area, officers may call in first wave backup.
          1. If the backup does not arrive before the original group dies, they must wait in place for the second wave to catch up, or until the civilians reach them.
        3. All waves after the second must start with ALL responding officers at an HQ or waiting to spawn an HQ
        4. Officers leaving a situation must reach HQ before the next wave can begin if they are to participate in the next wave
          do you know wave rule @Outcast
  10. PSAKeep in mind, gang members need to actually have gang tags in their name for them to be engaged, and, if you choose to wear gang tags, they MUST be displayed at the front of your name.


  11. Someone should hide this terrible post.
  12. But what about the civs
  13. Took care of this request for you
  14. To quote @Peter Long anything can be role-played
  15. What rule can we change to entice you to stay?
  16. Watching clips of @Gun-Hand spazzing out at rebel has me hyped for Arma3 again! Thanks @Hylos for bringing back the quality content!

  17. Plague on top 😞

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MAV


      "Framed by Battle-eye" - funny thing is everyone that was 'framed' said they had cheats, just not arma cheats.. 

      Thats like the cops arresting a serial killer for a murder he didn't commit...whether or not your guilty of that one crime..broski, you still a serial killer........ you cheat in 1,2,3... other games obviously BE found something it didn't like.. all i see is a bunch of cheaters claiming BE 'randomly banned them'.. whether you cheated in Arma or not remains a mystery... but my thought is odds are if you cheated in the other mainstream games.. whats stopping you from cheating in arma?


    3. Drippp


      @MAVholy shit bro ever heard of a joke

    4. MAV


      @Drippp wasnt really @ you... more or less been hearing the excuse "i have hacks, but not for arma" all day and its kinda like... glad you got necked...

  18. Currently, the APD titan is explicitly excluded from any means. It is only allowed during federal events to counter the blackfish.
  19. Gotta love when fresh meat comes to the forums
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