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Hot Pocket

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hot Pocket

  1. Another point, some people are fake as fuck and only act like good cops around a Sr., that's why I find it great that some of them go under cover (exposed). Some advice i'd like to give to someone trying to get promoted is to not play for a promotion, just play to have fun and do things right... the rest comes in full circle.
  2. if def played with some Corps when I was a deputy tell me they didn't need me at a jail or hide out in other channels with there friends. On the other hand i've seen some really good cops get promoted because they deserve it.
  3. Really excited to be a Sr. R&R member! I'd also like to thank everyone who congratulated me today!


  4. Dude, you have a potato for a computer... 64 bit aint gonna help ya.
  5. @DaneG is a liar!
    1. Dangus


      Nice blank boxes. :bigcheefface:


  6. @ShadowXbeast Put so much work into becoming a Sr. Medic just to throw it away and find it funny is pretty sad.
  7. I actually agree with something you say, feels weird.
  8. Hot Pocket


    As I'm sure you are well aware of the News Team is a new faction so there has been a flurry of new members who all need tags, so don't worry we know who needs to be given tags and they will be given out asap.
  9. @Mason Payne, I have no words. I wish you the best! :(

  10. this is pretty awesome
  11. Want to see what News Team looks like?


  12. good stuff
  13. Congrats to @Nikoteen on being the first member of the News Team.

    @Danger you don't count :)

  14. The Forums were down... I didn't know what to do with myself.

    1. -dante-
    2. zoomzooooooom


      14 minutes ago, Dante Fleury said:

      6et @ LYfe

      toxic, fucking reported

  15. First Mil tip on Medic feels nice :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      I don't want your stripper money

    3. ferg


      1 hour ago, Hot Pocket said:

      ft Charlie

      That mong would do anything, he's the type to buy a suicide vest and blow a heli full of rebels then leave the gang

    4. Turtle Chris
  16. Love the dispatch system @Serpico, great job!

  17. Congrats @Mercury, very deserving and @Ignis, you too I guess :) 


  18. lol @Aunt Jemima, that's a top tier reaction
  19. That's majestic as fuck
  20. you're wrong, dont be salty
  21. You will not be able to kill News Team members, however if a News Team member is in your face and you ask him to leave and he still continues to stay in your face... that would classify as trolling and we would take action on that. Obviously it depends on the situation but that's what it would be like.
  22. Damn, you sure got him.
  23. cringe thread
  24. shut up
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