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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. Someone bet this man 50mil I'm trying to watch this piece
  2. @sped
  3. Msg me in TS or on forums when ready
  4. Ill be the middle man
  5. 1.5 for the mar 10
  6. When do I get my mil from gang wars @Kyle Lake

  7. Betting is hurting me. -1
  8. @Strae
  9. The servers not dying. Every weekend I have to spam to get in and even on some weekdays. And also what staff member hasn't opened the forums since Feb 23 I literally looked at all of them and didnt see a single person who had any where close to that.
  10. "Dog shit anyways" Gf, GG grim.

  11. Like 300k
  12. I just wanna vs the medics
  13. Bro match BPM and Lethals with each other please
  14. @sped
  15. Congrats to the lad @Millennium on your well deserved corp promotion. Cograts to @gaz on FTO and @Winters the only EU FTO

    1. gaz
    2. -dante-


      See @Winters making you be active duty again did ya well 

    3. Millennium
  16. How do we know this wasn't duped
  17. Rip bro ig it's time for me to have 100 ping
  18. Happy birthday @TheKingSage your still nutty with an armed plane

  19. If I lose 15k everytime I die I'm gonna be too poor to even play cop...
  20. Well you live up to your name...
  21. @sped This mans selling a HAWK
  22. Amazing as always
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