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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. @maxg congrats brother wear the tag well

  2. I cant even imagine what it's like caring so much about taking someone off the server. Like it's a video game you dont have to like them but to stop them from playing a video game because you hate yourself more than them is pathetic. o7 @Jester :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. indian


      @Kamikaze see where you’re coming from. I just don’t think he’s trustworthy with any authority in the slightest, especially after trying to pull that blastcore shit off in prime which he was well aware of weeks prior and then blaming it on me for their dq. 

    3. indian


      should of also clarified that I meant a staff role instead of “rank higher than contributor”.

  3. Goodbye jester. You were always a great friend.
  4. Probably after next staff meeting when @KGB JOSH doesn't get admin.
  5. Damn this ones going to be hard to beat but be on the lookout for one @KGB JOSH.
  6. Congrats @Panda :) Well deserved promo

  7. Yeah if you're clearly trying to blow up the shed to prevent the search it's against the rules. Like everyone else is saying.
  8. Congrats @Headless Can't wait to see some of your designs come into the server

  9. Congrats @Hylos well deserved man.

  10. Qilins use to be so much fun on cop back then. But they make reaching too easy and everyone solo pushes in them so it lowers fps on cap.
  11. Happy birthday to the boys @sped and @Greenbum live it up lads.

  12. o7 You gave me a chance I thank you for that goodbye...
  13. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097426365/ We love you
  14. o7 goodbye sir you will be missed
  15. Thanks for bringing back downvotes god bless you sir
  16. @Richard May God be with your forum rep :Kappa:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CIA JOSH
    3. Richard


      What power trip am I on?  I decided it wasn’t worth giving into your comment.  That’s why I edited.

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Damn bro it be like that both of you are stupid it was joke.

  17. Literally bullied the owner off his own server. Congrats @Ryan 

  18. Happy birthday @Hurricane. Make it a great one

  19. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198097426365/#sort=order Love you
  20. o7 fuzz, you were always a fun person to play with.
  21. So why do we care?
  22. Happy birthday to the boy @tacosmell make it a great one brother.

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