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Status Updates posted by Gidgit

  1. Oh lookie here 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fuzy
    3. Linka


      he’s alive

    4. Gidgit


      As soon as I get more RAM I will back and playing

  2. Today is the first day in almost 2 weeks that i am in a way feeling some what normal. I want to thank all of my friends on this community who messaged me daily and kept me sane with my trip in the hospital. Thank all of you guys very much. I love all of you. I will be back in action tonight and i plan to be streaming. Come in and hang out. Lets have a good time everyone. See you all there!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo


      This is amazing Gid, glad to hear its going better.

    3. bigPat


      I didn't even know you were in the hospital...shit

    4. Pledge


      Glad to hear it! Hopefully you never have to do this again.

  3. Well guys. I am still here in the hospital. They say if the infection that is in my neck clears up i should be able to go home tomorrow. Keep you fingers and toes crossed for me

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sociopathic


      Fingers crossed Gidgit, get well soon mate.

    3. Julian


      Get well soon man.

    4. joeysab13


      Get better man

  4. Well boys. Off to the emergency room again. My throat and the right gland in my jaw have now swollen up to the point where it is becoming really scary. There will probably be no stream or activity from me for a few days. Happy gaming guys and wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Feel better man, sorry to hear that.

    3. Sociopathic


      Feel better man! 

    4. fugi


      i had something like this was a gland stone gl tho :D

  5. To answer your question. No it was not the same shirt haha. 

    1. DeadPool


      This was so long ago lmao

      And you gotta play pub with me later 

  6. https://gyazo.com/babef1fc239daf25f7ee40926c5a6133 

    There is a car under there some place

    1. HyperGoat


      I feel you, we just got 40cm and its still going.

    2. Gidgit


      We got about that with in 3 hours. Seems to of calmed down some. 

  7. Ive been home from work for about 3 hours now. My car was completely cleared off when i left work




    1. MrRonSwanson


      looks like an average Canadian winter.

    2. DeadPool


      Ill come shovel it for a small fee of 5 mil

    3. iPopsicle
  8. On this day a year ago I lost my best friend to Type 1 Diabetes. Someone who was basically my brother. It was the worst change i have ever had to deal with in my life. A change i would never wish upon my worst enemy. My advice to everyone in this community is this. Live and enjoy every moment of your life with your family and Friends. Keep your loved ones close. Be true and real to them and yourself. Because there will come a time where they might not be there. And you will be left with unanswered questions in your mind. Life is entirely to short. Enjoy every minute of it. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ramennoodles


      Respect, sorry for your lose. 

    3. Trumper


      I lost my pop a year ago today as well. It gets easier with time man, I hope you're doing well

    4. Ramennoodles
  9. What's on my mind. Hmm. Screw Ford trucks and their manifolds. That's what's on my mind

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deathtripper


      I'm a motorcycle/atv tech, i rage if i break one stud, let alone that many, i suck at extraction..... Seems common on autos.. I feel your pain..

  10. Just incase you guys needed a reminder :-) Have a nice day everyone

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gidgit


      Not hacked my friend. Just wishing everyone a happy Friday :)

    3. DeadPool


      you know she had to quit school from how much she was bullied form this video lol

    4. Gidgit


      never knew that. But its Friday. So its ok :-)


  11. Your boy Gidgit just got that phatty promotion at work. No more fixing cars for me. Plus my salary got doubled. Hype 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. DeadPool
    3. Natsirt


      So, now you're making $2 instead of 1? Congrats. Good luck dad

  12. ughhh its m onday, i dont wanna. lets hope this week goes by fast 

  13. Just in case you guys didnt know what today was. i have a little song to clarify it for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 Enjoy my friends :)

    1. Big B

      Big B

      fuck you lol

    2. Gidgit
    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I'll do you one better. 



  14. Buenos días señor Bubbaloo
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Hmm... something to consider... thanks señor Gidgit!

    3. Gidgit


      Any time my friend

    4. Big B

      Big B

      Gidgit is bae

  15. welp here goes to another long day of fixing cars and getting dirty. im feeling pizza and beer for dinner and a whole lot of arma. what do you guys think

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Oh yeah.  Pizza and beer are always the better mix.  Might do some of that myself tonight.  It is always more fun to get in character with a couple of beers on yourself no? :) 

    2. Gidgit


      oh ya ill be the drunk cop lmao

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