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big niko

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Everything posted by big niko

  1. Yeah thats my q
  2. Wow bro you got him there man
  3. Yo if you guys need banners, profile pictures etc, hit up my nignisimo @Shades

    1. iPopsicle


      Yo I need a cool banner @Shadeshmu

    2. Ryan
    3. Ronin


      what about a good price on an oz?

  4. Congrats on Admin nerd

  5. Yeahhhhh hmm, sorry to break it to you but the only armed vehicles that are in the server currently are; Aerial Vehicles: [Obtained by Blackwater Robbery] Armed Huron (6.5 mm Passenger Guns) Price: TBD by the Seller [Obtained by Blackwater Robbery] Ghosthawk (6.5 mm Passenger Guns) Price TBD by the Seller [Obtained by purchasing at the main Airport] Armed Plane (7.62 mm Pilot Guns) Price: 1 Million Land Vehicles: [Obtained by purchasing at any Rebel Outpost] Armed Jeep (5.56 mm Gun) [Can be sling-loaded by PO-30 Orca and Huron & Vehicle loaded by Blackfish Transport] Price: 200 Thousand [Obtained by Blackwater Robbery] Armed Quillin (6.5 mm Gun) [Can be sling-loaded by PO-30 Orca and Huron & Vehicle loaded by Blackfish Transport] Price: TBD by the Seller [Obtained by purchasing at any Rebel Outpost] Armed Offroad (.50 Cal HMG) [Can be sling-loaded by PO-30 Orca and Huron & Vehicle loaded by Blackfish Transport] Price: 1 Million (To my knowledge that's all I recall if I am missing anything someone please quote me on it, thanks)
  6. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, 12.7 HMG Strider?
  7. Yo, whoever bought them for this much is actually nuts.
  8. Nah, White Power
  9. So yes, I have PlaysTV for the sole reason that I have an AMD Graphics card, but what I am wondering is how I can fix audio desync on my clips because it been happening for quite some time now and I have no clue on how to fix it with the latest update they did to it, I looked all over on youtube and their forums and can't seem to find a fix I was wondering anyone is willing to help. I am able to make it worth your while with some in-game currency if the problem is resolved. I am also willing to show the proof of what it does to the audio since the clip and audio or off and the audio is sped up and not in sync if needed. Thanks.
  10. Happy birthday big man :b:

    1. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      Thank you friend 

  11. I like to thank you for having one of the best tracks as your song


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. big niko

      big niko

      Facts bro yb is it.

    3. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      Youngboy is life thats why drama is the best mod, hands down 

    4. ikiled
  12. Tell me how this guy gets 7 warpoints for killing some retard like literally point blank but I get 2 warpoints domming someone from saferocks 600 meters away?
  13. What are your thoughts on trying Tanoa again?
  14. Ran out of likes lmao
  15. Well in his eyes, it's perfectly fine to sound like a gay Texas farm boy horse rider. Memes
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