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Everything posted by LongInactiveAccount

  1. @Analdo I apologize for dropping snuggle piglets for this
  2. I would like to say I am a MASSIVE fan

    1. -dante-


      BFO butt buddies 

  3. Congrats @Dante , @Stuuurrt and @Jordan540

    1. Savage


      y u roasting my mans @falcon like that

    2. LongInactiveAccount


      6 hours ago, Savage said:

      y u roasting my mans @falcon like that

      Personal vendetta

  4. Hi I would like Tanoa back.

    Thanks in advanced

    1. codeYeTi
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      1 minute ago, codeyeti said:

      With time restrictions, yes..


      Nah 24/7 

  5. @Peter Long of all my bans this is a first


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      NOOOOOOOOO one more week

    3. Rappy


      daniel i miss you bro

    4. LongInactiveAccount


      Shouldn't of messaged me while I was revising

  6. Looking for funds for the upcoming.............

    D a n i e l civ rep campaign!

    All donations are not taxable so you will not be supporting the Deadpool regime with your donations

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      The early bird catches the worm

    3. Savage


      i REALLY hope ur joking

    4. LongInactiveAccount


      I'm being completely serious, leaflets and posters for the campaign are not free

  7. Your blocked for only one more week
  8. If you ain’t @Heinz Gormittz I don’t trust your investment advice I don’t understand how your expecting to make a decent profit off a product that’s decreasing in demand and seems to be increasing in supply
  9. Altis life update - 16/01/18

    Players realise they can spawn elsewhere 

    1. Show previous comments  54 more
    2. Savage


      Daniel u don't know the meaning of an hour long fight cause it's not what u think it's a lot different and @3 Rip he's in the God tier [Cy6] best gang on server

    3. LongInactiveAccount


      3 hours ago, Savage said:

      Daniel u don't know the meaning of an hour long fight cause it's not what u think it's a lot different and @3 Rip he's in the God tier [Cy6] best gang on server

      I’m not in Cy6 that’s the other one

      3 hours ago, Savage said:


      Daniel u don't know the meaning of an hour long fight


      If it’s not a conflict that lasts 60minutes what is it then?

    4. ScreaM


      If you do not fight cartels on a day to day basis, your opinion is irrelevant to the current civ rep :/. Cartels is a small percentage of a big server. But hey, I haven't fought a cartel in weeks so why even read this post :4head:

  10. Civ rep @Ludde, can we make it if a vigilante restrains you, shift minus end mission becomes enabled.

    1. Ludde


      Sorry but that would break guideline section A paragraph 2, Combat Logging

  11. 78E1A787D85206FA4363C361F6067C26857EA323

    @Strikke throwback

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sociopathic


      C r i n g e.

      I remember BFO and their tactical weed callouts.

    3. Colin L

      Colin L

      I remember having to UNLOCK the ghillie suits in the GANG

    4. codeYeTi


      @Arigato I don't think it was in the handbook. I think it was in our dedicated weed pro channel though. XD

  12. Anyone that will offer over 8.6mil feel welcome to bid
  13. Imma give it a day or so and ill message you if your still the highest bidder
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