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Everything posted by LongInactiveAccount

  1. I went from a 960 to a 1080 and in all honesty my fps only increased by like fucking 5
  2. Now my man @De Fuk is free, free my other man @BobsYourAuntie

    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      this aint help him boro,


      you trying to be homicide 2.0? 

    2. LongInactiveAccount
  3. Free my man @BobsYourAuntie

    1. ItsGG


      +111 will sell my body to make this happen

    2. chino Brih
    3. ItsGG


      @chino Brih hellll naww just want my guy @BobsYourAuntie to get unpermeddd

  4. Free my man @De Fuk





    And maybe @BobsYourAuntie while you are at it :Kappa:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      Well it wasn't until you gave a fucker a cut who left weeks before and not the co leader. 






























































      Still waiting on my 4mil cunt










    3. bigPat


      Are we going to make this a contest of the bigger space between

      Sentences? :bender-dance:

    4. silton
  5. Can we introduce a bans leaderboard as part of the stats page?



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Poseidon


      Technically could be done, but not really needed.


    3. Marty


      with all due respect, if we only focused on what is needed, the server and the forums would be very plain indeed.

    4. Fedot


      I'll translate @Poseidon for you


      Technically could be done, but not really needed.

      He really means

      But that's work. Time for bed

  6. Who will tp @Dingle Pooper to goat now?
  7. Without my AHK support club many scripters will kill themselves. @Ares I plead with you, FOR THE CHILDREN accept it 

  8. I sell 1.5m of oil and the price literally halves.

    Please tell me this is a fucking piss take 

    1. Rappy


      They fixed the market you silly scot

  9. So me n' the lads are playing Tower Unite and my fucking money has went negative. Anyone know how to fix?

    1. Dingle Pooper

      Dingle Pooper

       Daniel was exploiting the shit out of tower unite slot machines

  10. Once a filthy cheater forever a filthy cheater
  11. Anyone selling dp23 houses? 

    Oh wait never mind, I'll just chuck a gps tracker on my hunter and I basically have a fucking gang shed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheKoreanNation


      There was an exploit that the hunter could hold an "infinite" amount of anything so everyone was making money off of it cause it could hold anything at any amount

    3. TheKoreanNation


      Thought it would have been fixed by now if you want to delete it go ahead

    4. LongInactiveAccount


      I think about half the fucking server is aware of the exploit. 

  12. Can we have a ping cap of like 300 to stop people running around with 600/700ping taking shots like they are nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      10 hours ago, Dante Fleury said:

      When you're flying a heli full of drugs and your internet has a hiccup, I'm sure youd love being kicked losing everything. -_-

      Rather that than some fucker running around eating up bullets for 3-7 seconds 

    3. N7Zero


      let the kid be daniel, he's garbo anyways. :PJSalt::PJSalt:

    4. Monkeysz


      I'm in New Zealand and I'm going to India that's just gonna fuck me

  13. Can we buff suicide vests so they blow up ifrits?

    1. LongInactiveAccount


      I blew one up right next to an ifrit and it never blew it up

    2. LongInactiveAccount
    3. Fedot


      @Jesse I think the issue is how it spawns. If you're on a different Z Axis than your target, your target will be fine.

  14. What the fuck are you speaking about. Anyone can buy crates
  15. @Goodman what do you and @M2A1 have in common? 

    You TP players around the map

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      Swimming machine broke 

    3. Fedot


      Im glad @Goodman is at least a good sport about this and didnt remove the post

  16. See you cunts my prices aren't to bad. @Mr Majestic @Panera @TheKoreanNation
  17. @Dante Fleury looks like I will not be needing you anymore. Gz @Strikke

    1. Strikke
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      Fucking reply here but don't open my fucking snap, cunt

  18. @rp slayer uses minecraft macros ban him for third parties 

    1. Cadetbus


      As his Minecraft wife, I can confirm he does use macros.

    2. Mercury
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