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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. guns hot ghosthawk wave 1 of fed, dogshit server

  2. dont they blacklist after failing the third test?
  3. Whatever you do, don't check my logs :Kappa: (THIS IS A JOKE DO NOT PERM ME AGAIN)

    1. Ryan
    2. SPBojo


      Those hunters of yours state otherwise young sir :Kappa:

    3. Mercury


      Well now you've just taken the fun out of it.

  4. So who got banned?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mighty


      5 minutes ago, FULTKING said:

      Y did 75%  of   BW  get  banned


      Cause they are stupid

    3. F U L T
    4. Millennium


      6 minutes ago, FULTKING said:

      very  true

      they duped

  5. Still waiting on that gold sold with bomb blown data
  6. Can you post that data? Your claim is baseless considering you have no evidence, and I took gold sold data for the same range and it was only 1.5k.
  7. # of feds is incorrect, but gold sold is accurate if stats page is correct.
  8. Not sure if stats page tracking is wrong or something, but the data I got from checking stats is pretty different from those shown here: Although if you ignore the difference between amount of feds, the gold sold is pretty atrocious considering that there were 16 completed feds according to the stats, and if we assume that the average gold bar amount is 250 (Which is the high end, just an example) then only 6 feds were technically completed successfully. @destruct If you have data correlating bomb blown and gold sold then please post as that is what peter claimed in his post.
  9. @ThatNerdyGuy @DeadPooL Enough with the forum banter, we all wanna see this shit in TS, get in group 2 so everyone can have something entertaining to listen to
  10. I'd rather see the data behind that claim. @Peter Long @destruct
  11. People trolling into feds are pretty much always stopped before they finish boltcutting, so that may be the case for bw's, but certainly less so for feds.
  12. Sorry for the low jail percentage But I wish you put as a disclaimer that the percentage is also skewed due to the fact that a success depends on bomb blowing and a bomb blowing does not guarantee gold sold, unless you actually went through and plotted gold sold vs feds done and if so that needs to be posted as well.
  13. Did you even read the roundtable?
  14. Can no longer pay off your bounty if you have a "Misuse of Emergency Services" charge luh mao
  15. 5f8f0789c60dbd6cfe4ca64dd18f2f82.png

    1. DeadPool


      Ahh this made my night.

    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Its always been this way. There is no loss for being on either faction, only profit.

    3. ItsGG
  16. When you realize Olympus is a cop server:yikes:

    1. ItsGG


      It didn't used to be:(

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