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Status Replies posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Hoping to join the APD today!

  2. Hoping to join the APD today!

  3. All player data has been rolled back to ~24 hrs ago. Houses & gang stuff were not rolled back.

  4. whats the best asvab practice site?

  5. so what are these daily events about

  6. Watch your lad ikiled stream some cop


  7. Buff Plane run please

  8. Why can’t I open the bug tracker 

  9. add new forum backgrounds

  10. I saw a ghost today


  11. The throwbacks are real, so much more fun back in the old days

  12. Anyone selling warpoints?

  13. @Bloodmoon Ripping SAPD tags colorized


  14. What happened to the Comic Sans? :(

  15. What happened to the Comic Sans? :(

  16. Can we have this for when people say dumb shit please


  17. Can we have this for when people say dumb shit please


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