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Vincent Jacobs

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Everything posted by Vincent Jacobs

  1. it was a fucking copy pasta get some culture u pig
  2. ditto
  3. school bus because our parents dont love us IGN: [VX] Vincent
  4. talindor does lots of event you should ask him
  5. that is a lie. @Muthinator doesn't let people stay blacklisted for very simple things he is very understanding. you did something wrong. stay blacklisted. //thread
  6. least your could do is list all the weapons instead of just an OTHER
  7. and again people getting upset is because of stuff like tazing from afar and no nlr. those things are in the server rules. you cannot hate the majority of cops for a rule that was made by 1 chief and several admins
  8. he is a bit salty but the problem is "robo copping" is only frowned upon. but is it really a problem? I don't really think so. some situations call for it. but the minority of people who abuse the fact you can do it is what sucks. people only post about the bad experiences with apd and this is the most disliked thing. never has someone come on to the forums to praise us on a daily basis. only flame
  9. every event done in the past 1-2 months has been ruined by this toxic player base haha
  10. @McDili you da man. all we need now is last months update to come out xd

    1. Vincent Jacobs

      Vincent Jacobs

      @Jesse  yeah i know this isn't your so called job either just excited and tired of waiting

  11. i have crippling depression
  12. but they don't do that. dont tell me tell them
  13. If there is going to be a rule change about name please do not continue to allow symbols to be used. It is very confusing to new players to see a text message from someone saying "hands up or die by new kings" and then someone with the * walks up to them and blasts them.
  14. is the update today my dude because im feeling tired as fuck from work and wanna know if i should pass out or not

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. buckie
    3. Talindor


      Have to understand, this update it's a big one, a lot of hard work was put in to it. 

    4. bigPat


      Looking forward to when it is released. 


  15. i've seen the hemmt box in every instance i've tried seizing/chopping not working. 100% bug rate (on my side) for that vehicle.
  16. I have sgt uniform,vest and updated helm. offer?
  17. what is all this toxicity for. he went to the fight for a reason and then he did something cool. chill out or fuck off jesus guys
  18. this is true. and i dont often say this. this topic shouldn't be open for discussion. here is the scenario you fight. you die. you spawn in to some town. instantly hands up or be tazed by some rejected cop (vigi). you friends have a small window to save you. oh wait they don't. vigis aren't bound to the L.I.S.T and roleplays rules the APD are. I have NEVER encountered a vigi that ever asked me to explain my charges etc. what is that you are saying? there are some that do that? well here is the problem. they can't give tickets. even if you pay them you still run the risk of being vigi'd (again and again). buffing a small group that would make a large group of the server upset (for valid reasons) isn't how game balance works in the slightest. they have very few restrictions already. the weakness is the gear they have and there NLR. if you are a exclusively play this role to taze bounties you are better off becoming a cop or acquiring cop gear. it isn't hard. everyone knows you HAVE to put in work on this server to meet your goals so get off your lazy fucking ass stop blaming bad gear.
  19. poor guy
  20. you are both toxic and annoying. stop please :).

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Greatest video on all the Youtubes. ALL OF THEM!

  22. forgot i even said that now looking it seems harsh i must have been mad earlier lol
  23. its very clear that they are working on it. so shut the fuck up
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