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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. @Kedarr happy birthday idiot 

  2. Vcx


    o7 dude I didn't play with you much but you were chill and not retarded
  3. @Pledge come back you kept the APD in check now you guys got mongs raided war zone every 20 seconds when people are trying to fight

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Vcx


      @Bongo Bongo Bongo they dont even lose the ghawk they lose everyone they drop off then they go back to pick everyone up because no one wants them to go guns hot

    3. cHROME.


      Solution everytime cops raids wz when there is fights. Lets just agree on switching servers. 

      Or we can hope v2 comes out soon, no ghosthawks there 

  4. o7 man has a library in his house
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Vaccvx
  6. o7 hawk tbh don't remember where I met you that was a while ago I just remembered it was after I got unpermed for the little times we played and talked you were a fun and enjoyable guy thanks for everything you've done for this community I'll miss you
  7. Vcx


    [MC] Gafski
  8. No thats marvel Gabe has sold everything he has offered to sell before
  9. Get global banned retards later shitters

  10. Mycri has 130 mill with almost everything the server has to own so like.... Gl with that bud
  11. HAHAHAHAHAH losing to jeep guild in gang wars
  12. Not surprised the even on S3 was going to get fucked by hackers it always happens 

    1. Danger


      Did you let staff know before you took the time to whine on the forums?

    2. Vcx


      1 minute ago, Danger said:

      Did you let staff know before you took the time to whine on the forums?

      Staff was on running the event

      Not even whining just saying

    3. Danger


      It happens man..on every server. Some people are gey

  13. So you want 10k for the donation Goal in total this community is on crack nice

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vcx


      2 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Stop trying to use the donor percentages as a gauge. People literally talked about this last month. It’s no where near 10k ffs it’s not even a tenth of that

      Not to mention that $100 was BEFORE donation goal was changed to June. Ignore date.

      That makes more sense

    3. Zahzi


      Eventually, we'll have a month where the pitchforks don't come out..

    4. Google


      Businessman Ares

  14. Thats a negitive randy! Jaco is the boy don't even
  15. Happy Birthday @Kyle Lake from the days of hunnid and you just career medicing to now i luv you 

  16. Vcx

    So when you coming back I miss you xoxo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vcx


      Well we need someone to run these kids pockets so come back already bafoon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. last


      alright bet

    4. Vcx


      Bet eta?


  17. Let medics hold guns again zzz

  18. Vcx


    Well o7 ved I'll miss you bud, back to Phoenix now ? <3
  19. The mans was willing to cheat tell me who else would do that for S&R #unbanGoogle he was only helping the people of altis by getting their revives faster
  20. idk why you mongs are shitting on him for cheating harmlessly when there are people on cap everyday that call everyone trash and deny they are cheating.
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