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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. Can't wait to see pos fuck this up lol Don't know why this needs to be added tbh whenever a situation required a raid warrant the cops in the area would ask in group chat for help and I almost always see corps+ fly over and help.
  2. Yea I could remember doing fed events there but they werent as well thought out as the ones on altis and my gangs could make more money doing runs lmao
  3. I don't think its going to happen with Malden, I mean it could but I personally dont see it. I mained the tanoa server when it was up and the reason it was a farming server was due to the map its self, big map, very spread out and you would have fly to almost every location and solo runs were long and boring. Not to mention if I remember right there wasnt any fed events that I could remember or they werent very good and the cartels were awful including a couple cartels that were simply islands. If OS takes what tanoa didnt have, fed events, a well thought out map, decent cartel locations and more pvp which I hope a smaller map would bring I think the server will last. The tanoa map was not good for pvp and the only gangs that actually did stuff besides runs were the big ass gangs so everyone eventually joined them and they ran the server. Not just that but Maldens currency is not supposed to carry over to the altis servers so the money you make on Malden stays on malden, so farming would be kinda pointless imo. I'm looking forward to Malden.
  4. someone has had a couple productive days lol welcome to olympus
  5. @Peter Long I have a solution for next gw. Lan party
  6. @staff can u go infiltrate the other fucking 50 gangs on this server? thank you 

  7. Croatia>Argentina

    Suck a dick Messi <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      in his defence that Croatian midfield was something else 

    3. ItsGG


      modric? I mean its not messis fault croatia had 3 man defending him all game

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Modric raktic both world class mid fields where all he had in the middle were some randos 

  8. if I knew what he looked like I would be able to tell u if this is good
  9. 13361fed8a1dd22b42f96ce2c4f05eaf.gif need help my shadowplay keeps recording like this

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ItsGG


      lol tried reinstalling didnt work...guess i aint making not montage lmaoo

    3. Mighty


      Looks corrupt. Do you have enough available storage space?

    4. QKSILVR73


      might want to try this.


  10. looking for a new show to get into over the summer any suggestions?

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Money heist on Netflix is a decent show 

    2. Spike4852


      I saw Money Heist, I enjoyed that show.


    1. SPBojo


      Gj posting broken link :bigcheefface:

    2. ItsGG


      Wtf it was a link to nolivers twitch unless he got banned again lol

  12. damn howd they prove it? all these ddos bans......I almost smell another gang wars....almost
  13. what does the googles cqc administration gotta say? Lol well @DeadPool looks like you're running solo now man and who else got banned?
  14.  quality content

  15. Happy birthday @tacosmell make sure to party with people your own age <3

    1. Egnazio


      LOL. Happy Birthday @tacosmell

    2. Tacosmell


      Thanks i'll make sure to send snaps @Aunt Jemima and Thanks @Egnazio time to get better than you at league now that i am no longer a teen 

  16. eta on Malden?

    1. BENJI


      12 units of time™

  17. I guess...but I still think this was made so people don't feel left out for not having a title to wear so that everyone gets a title and cross faction titles makes titles less meaningful.
  18. Think about what you are asking... COP titles on CIV.... I personally like having faction locked titles and wish they were all faction locked. That way career cops hop on civ and have no tags what so ever cause they have no experience on civ and vise versa. So you get to show off your accomplishments only on the faction you got them on and because honestly civs dont really care about how many arrests you have. It doesnt hurt anything but I personally dont like the idea of someone career copping getting titles and having absolutely no experience on civ coming over and having a title right off the bat. Having cross faction titles makes people work less for their titles since they can get one really good title on a faction and rep it on every faction, if theyre faction locked it makes players have to grind out on each faction specifically to be able to get any titles and not simply wear a cop or medic title because they have no civ titles.
  19. Holy shit @Benjamin Remer aint a po??? lol gratz guy been long deserved. bipods are gey

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