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Everything posted by DABESTeva

  1. play them again u pussy imma be on the roster this time
  2. happy bday @Fuzy to a og

  3. put an ping cap on this shit fucking server lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. breezyy


      always something 😞

    3. DABESTeva


      u died 1 min after i killed u and we traded yea dog shit game lol

    4. silton


      die retard ive played this shit as long as you

  4. happy bday @CHEESE1 enjoy it

    1. CHEESE1


      thanks big BesT ❤️

  5. thats the exclusive homie discount
  6. 13k a peice does that sound good to you.
  7. cheese!!!!! I GOT 700 if u wanna buy em
  8. keep my name out your mouth retard
  9. yea now i know the server has gone to shit jesus christ 

  10. need a better Christmas card on the forums 

  11. o7 my son didn't @ me but it's cool
  12. stop fucking posting shit u annoying fuck and you know what makes it worse u have numbers in ur name
  13. DABESTeva


    o7 cya around bro
  14. o7 my dude love u i can't read what u said for some reason
  15. DABESTeva


    my boy my dot head always will be o7 and u better come in ts time to time still
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