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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. Acquiring new computer tower due to feds being very big black what should very poor man get

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      What gpu do you have if you get a cpu that is way more advanced than the gpu it will bottleneck

    3. Ven nom nom nom

      Ven nom nom nom


      if you plan on overclocking I would go with a better cooler

  2. People have a go at deadpool even though he's right. people suck anyone's dick who has an admin or sAPD tag
  3. Is this stats for bomb blowing? Does it take in to account getting away possibly the hardest part of any fed event.
  4. Yes I do also want that back. I want tazers back at fed events. The good days
  5. ETA on lasts war points getting removed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xeltini


      yea that banned retard needs them deleted

    3. Linka


      Yeah it’s completely unfair... only real god of war deserve it!!

    4. sped


      xeltini god of war prospect?

  6. That's why the dust off the ole faithful and there will be no gangwars
  7. @Drama let me help set up this gang wars and make this shit how the people want it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tacosmell
    3. Marzoh


      @Drama please, my daddy wants his darlings to play, please remove the requirements. 

    4. ChicoXL


      Daddies Darlings are an active gang on the Olympus Servers.

      This stops nothing.

  8. 15 is a lot of members these days
  9. If you fuck up a rotor tap and die yourself that counts as combat log according to some admins. I believe that shouldn't be a thing
  10. Cmon borax you didn't have to make all the apd dick riders upset
  11. don't let apd play its big gay they can log onto civ
  12. wooo old man is gone!

  13. [TG] Dante Fleury o7. An admin I liked
  14. silton

    L O L

    reEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE gotta get that corp
  15. Police are mostly good but they still haven't returned my pc
  16. @Ryan stop banning all of the Australians for no reason you fuck wit

    1. Ryan


      Who did I ban now smh and if they were banned then theres a reason ;) 

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