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Everything posted by callumlol

  1. 1
  2. @Kyle Lake thanks a lot. For everyone that doesn’t know it was Kyles fault

  3. tell me genghis khan doesnt make the best content

  4. just make sure this is your last one!
  5. my man winchester wiped this ifrit by himself. They never came back.
  6. Imagine crying to admins about your internet points >:(











    Also just a friendly reminder, put 50 hours in a week and you will secure a corporal  spot!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iPopsicle


      Nobody cried to an admin, just don't want our forums filling up with shit

    3. Vcx


      Imagine being a retard who sits on the forums down voting people oh wait...

    4. callumlol


      yeah i dont really know who you are so please dont talk to me tyvm!

  7. weird flex but okay
  8. @ArX hopefully you can pay back ur parents for all they plates you smashed:4head:

    1. Browny


      "they plates you smashed" aye billy bob yes!!

    2. arx


      i don't think there's enough money in the world for that 

  9. yo can we perm ban lion from forums, kid spams so much autistic shit. 

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      kid deadass does not think just spews shit

    2. monster


      He doesn't have a brain to think

    3. Lion
  10. yeah can we make it so it doesnt take 10mins to open my car ty.

    1. Ronin


      I think it got a little better after the hotfix.

    2. Elements
    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      press y click on the key in your key chain for said vehicle close key chain press u that is a fix for now

  11. 600k
  12. Unbanned, dont make this mistake again.
  13. have your little mind process you're never getting unbanned cy@
  14. why do you even bother typing on the forums you're never getting unbanned
  15. wait who is @Destruct lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. callumlol


      never ever seen him before and he's mod

    3. destruct


      3 hours ago, Ryan said:

      a big bot


    4. Mighty


      Yea who the fuck is that @Destruct bitch?

  16. give -TI- more gangs to steamroll ty
  17. yeah if cops come in warzone can we get warpoints for killing them. tyvm!
  18. wait so why aren’t pilot covs in warpoint shop?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. -dante-


      Well being I havent played on either side of a BW in over a month or so I cant answer that. Last times I played though they won in terms of gear they just lost the BW vehicles.

  19. blackout > pubg ez

    1. N7Zero


      chink > Fat Ginger Prick

  20. crossfire
  21. you can play Olympus on a global banned account? That’s new
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