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Status Replies posted by bigSMOKE

  1. 'gratz on corp, @Hot Pocket. Who knew food could achieve such great things in life!

  2. 'gratz on corp, @Hot Pocket. Who knew food could achieve such great things in life!

  3. 'gratz on corp, @Hot Pocket. Who knew food could achieve such great things in life!

  4. So I was RDM'd and requested a revive, and 3 different medics drove past my body when there was literally no one there that could deny me. Are the medics are this server literally fucking special?

  5. So I was RDM'd and requested a revive, and 3 different medics drove past my body when there was literally no one there that could deny me. Are the medics are this server literally fucking special?

  6. So I was RDM'd and requested a revive, and 3 different medics drove past my body when there was literally no one there that could deny me. Are the medics are this server literally fucking special?

  7. Selling hex Fatigues (CSAT) HMU

  8. So the #FreeElzar thing is kinda odd. He was permed by pose I doubt it was a wrongful perm and even if it was pose had something to go of off from the post he made so there's obviously something against them.

    Sorry i spelt unneeded wrong.

  9. Any one selling some pilot coveralls for a non-retarded price?

  10. Lemme just say  I've never had more fun in rust than I did yesterday. Olympus Rust is best rust. #farminggod #olympus1rats0 

  11. Nothing like a court date to remind you how short and meaningless your life is.

  12. To whomever is ddosing me during a stream for community development, you are the real mvp. 

  13. happy birthday, hope santa got you all the presents you wanted!

  14. Congratulations To:

    @Jordan540 on Sergeant

    @bigSMOKE and @Egnazio on Corporal!

  15. Congratz @Jordan540 on SGT!

    @bigSMOKE@Egnazio made corporal!

  16. So is Battlegrounds worth getting? Read the reviews and seems to have multiple comments about fps problems.

  17. So is Battlegrounds worth getting? Read the reviews and seems to have multiple comments about fps problems.

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