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Status Updates posted by bigSMOKE

  1. the quality from OG staff to new staff is quite the difference

    Image result for yikes

  2. how do i clear up my attachment space i cant post pictures anymore  bc its full

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DashTonic
    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Just use Gyazo, right click the gyazo, and copy its image address

    4. Ryan


      You should be good. Cleared it out for ya.

  3. some 1 buy my dp25 4 crater pls s1

  4. nigga toilet

    1. bigPat


      You spelled it wrong. 

    2. ItsGG


      I think u forgot an er somewhere

    3. Skys


      i think you put accidentally replaced er with the a 

  5. 4 pages of congrats for corp, corpImage result for deadass meme distorted

  6. ayy the old fucker is gone we eating tonight boysImage result for deadass meme distorted

  7. https://gyazo.com/1c8f15dcc29c62ff3a983251d9214e96

    @Ignis pls take that / out im getting triggered

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @bigSMOKE Closest one to me is 90 minutes away


      It's on everybodys profile lol

    3. bigSMOKE


      @Ignis its very rare i find someone with a more shit town than mine and yes this is a mass problem must be fixed asap before the forums has to be taken down again

    4. iPopsicle


      The problem was fixed, but my shit town, is not fixed. Rip

  8. you know gang lifes dead when you have to unban everyone to revive it. Good call tho, not even hating lmao

  9. video of outcast snitching


    1. Outcast


      Lol you think im gonna waste my time to upload that.

      ahh 2017. Prob did report them then.

    2. bigSMOKE


      17 minutes ago, Outcast said:

      Lol you think im gonna waste my time to upload that.

      ahh 2017. Prob did report them then.

      all good i did too lmao

  10. another poker event when? 

  11. @Hoonter congrats on getting snr, probably the first to do it without sucking dick.

  12. anyone selling cheap tarkov accounts pm me, buying any version

  13. I love how people can bust their cock off doing runs for 5 hours and make 5m ish and they can lose it all in 1 click lol betting ruins runs value

    1. Slumberjack


      I see where your coming from. However; with betting no new money is being created, so as far as a stable economy goes-- it has no meaningful effect.

      I see betting as merely the Olympus circle of (cash) life. A lost bet can always come back your way (whether it be 5 mil or 100 mil)-- just bet carefully and try not to over commit assets you do not feel comfortable loosing (as I did). :unsure:

    2. Millennium


      ^100 mil down the drain right here lmao

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