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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. Blackhawk Down Jarhead Saving Private Ryan Platoon Apocalypse Now
  2. congratz ya stinky canadian @Hot Pocket

  3. Got an issue with my computer that has popped up the past couple days - I have normal frames then it drops to below 30 and stutters really bad to an unplayable level. Normally these frame drops wouldn't do this but lately it makes the game unplayable. Anybody know what's up? Hoping it's not my gpu going. // this happens on every game // i7-4790k GTX 970 and a SSD

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Arigato


      @Witz didnt have any affect

      @N7Zero ill try it thanks!!

    3. N7Zero


      if it worked, dont thank me. just tell @Dante to not camp my house pls. (he'll know what i mean) :)

    4. Arigato
  4. Happy birthday gay boy

  5. Catholic Peter is the best Peter
  6. #DomoTheFinneser
  7. We've had admins as chiefs before and it was fine.

  9. is he actually LOL
  10. Your mayor is a coke head
  11. for the sole fact that 1070s are ridiculously overpriced right now, and won't be going down anytime soon, I think you should buy that desktop.
  12. Welcome to Olympus, hope you enjoy your stay!
  13. Tabletop simulator is all I want for christmas <3 https://steamcommunity.com/id/Supremacy96

  14. just caught him doing a run with a second account on a separate pc lmao
  15. Very very happy about this, well deserved. congratz @RambleR

  16. Enter
  17. Arigato


    o7 for our fallen comrade
  18. yesss congratz dat boy @Dante Fleury Lt Dan has arrived!!

    1. Dangus


      Lt. Dan was the goat. That whole movie wouldn't be the same without him.

  19. https://olympus-entertainment.com/stats
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