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JuanDeaged last won the day on June 16 2020

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About JuanDeaged

  • Birthday 04/20/2003

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  1. Nah wtf ts actually so sad. Actually a pure soul, was just a guy that always wanted to have a good time, and we always did. rest in paradise dabautista
  2. Good luck in life hurricane, we had a shit ton of fun throughout the years, I’m glad you finally got staff and all the shit you wanted on Olympus. Onto bigger and better things homie.
  3. Who wants to teach me SQL over the summer?

    1. JoeL


      And what would you like to learn how to communicate with a database for sir ?

    2. PoptartRex


      I highly recommend code academy and w3 schools to help learn online, then spin up a PostgreSQL instance to demo and try things on your own.

      Consider making a database for fun things - for example, a Game of Thrones themed database, with a table for characters, one for family houses, one for types of weapons, etc. 

      It's a good way to learn different relations (one to one, many to one, many to many), when each should be used.

      Other stuff:

      • Then learn to make triggers to make a field to dynamically update the time a record was last updated
      • Indices to retrieve data faster
      • Soft deletions vs hard deletions in data for protection


      Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have questions or anything: PoptartRex #6077

  4. JuanDeaged


    I fucking love you caley, snap me whenever and if I’m in whatever fucking state u live in I’m coming to ur house to meet ur milf of a mom
  5. So now they add swat fuck off
  6. If you look at unemployment rates in the US Obama brought them way back down after the recession and trump simply maintained it till COVID obviously
  7. You’ve prolly done more research since u can actually vote but from what I understand if your not rich asf you won’t pay more in taxes
  8. Bro u haven’t even had ur first pube tf u know about politics. Ur life is school and arma
  9. @proud go into ur brothers room and slap the shit out of him and post it on the forums I’ll give u 10 mill.

    better slap as hard as u can or no money.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      I reckon Savage would smack you silly tbh

    3. Savage


      @Grandma Gary ur smokin crack if u think im losing a fight to this nigga he would be waking up the next morning with a slap mark across his face saying "wha happen"

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      That's what I said I reckon you'd win ;D

  10. What did rabid do

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuanDeaged
    3. raykazi


      Worked with Goat to pressure Ryan into removing me from the dev team for a prior Indiscretion 

    4. Courean


      overeat, obviously🥱.

  11. I shoulda quit arma years ago holy shit

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drippp


      I miss playing Mecca for gamers with wadi and abid 

    3. Jaster
    4. billdroid


      truu but mecca for gamers is ded

  12. Can someone give Cale like 10 mill out of my account so he stops begging me for money

  13. Why everyone so tight?

    1. Gaetano


      gotta have that gorilla grip

  14. Everyone talking shit bc ppl cheated. Like bro you just mad you couldn’t get in.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. chadd_


      @swervy so happy your in IX my man

    3. breezyy


      @swervy even when I was playing legit I was still shitting down your throat why are you talking.  

    4. Peterr


      Should I post you whiffing on me castle rocks? I think after that whiff you would say that too...

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