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Tacosmell last won the day on December 21 2018

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About Tacosmell

  • Birthday 06/14/1998

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  1. Happy Birthday to the man @ Millennium  Hope you have a good day brother

  2. Astro lasts forever
  3. I’ll give you market for the 4 crater at Weed but that’s what I think it’s worth
  4. Try turning down Arma Graphics Settings within Arma itself. Honestly start with everything on low and increase from there to get the sweet spot.
  5. Out of curiosity, when was the last Gang Wars? If we have stopped them, why? 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Saul Goodman

      Saul Goodman

      Would love to see a gang wars again, the ANZUS ones just don't hit especially when doug lets cheaters run free. 

    3. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      It was suggested by like 6 different people including staff members that me and @ milos inflated dev2 ego should be announcers at the next one for a stream. I believe we both said we'd consider it and then it was dropped.


    4. Masonn


      Kinda skipped over the comments but for the last few gang wars I've been pretty involved and honestly the last couple have been much less aids than those of the past.
      Current reasons for not having one (From what I've heard/read):
      1. Gang wars Mission file needs some development attention as it's pretty far behind where it needs to be

      2. Hard to setup around the schedule of the people who need to be involved as you ideally need staff who know cartels/gang wars in and out otherwise you run into indecisive decision making and people lose their mind. I feel people don't realise how many people usually have some sort of involvement, yes it's mainly setup by a few people but multiple people are required to make it run smoothly (Commentators, Staff, Organisers etc) 

      3. More times than not no matter what happens 1 or multiple gangs lose their mind over not winning or something not going their way.

      Overall it's a fair amount of effort for something which can very easily turn into a large headache

  6. Deja Vu @ maxg  grats brother 

    1. maxg


      ty bro, you gotta come back and get yours ❤️ 

  7. Rip to a real OG. Always a good laugh with this man.
  8. I think there should be some reconsideration on some of the staff we have. Not bashing anyone, but imo some staff could hang up the cleats and let other, more active and fresh players have a shot at helping the community. 

    Like I said, not a bash at any staff, but some people have a lot to bring to the table but are restricted due to an inactive staff member holding a position they should let go. 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ryan


      @Iceman Quite frankly you are right Noah is a great candidate. I’m not gonna spill the full beans on an app like his, however I can say that your assumption on why he isn’t a mod is completely false. If we didn’t want him, his app would of been denied already. In the last few months we have accepted only 2 new mods onto the staff team, 1 was a Retired admin member, in which we all had experience with when he was at that position so we know how he is as a staff member, and another who stood out the most among the group of people that has applications in. Now this doesn’t mean the other applications were bad, it just means they needed some time to get passed what was holding them back. Aka if someone gets banned every other week, publicly racist and/or shit posting, the encounters they had with staff, how they interact with the community, etc we would typically let a potentially good candidate know how to fix their red flags. Some on the other hand just fix their issues without us even saying anything. 

      As for events, pretty much what panda and drama already said. Being that I used to do events every day before owner I understand how stressful and difficult these events can be. Although they are fun for the player, the staff member has to go through hell with the setting up of the event, dealing with the group of people that typically screw with the event, and then dealing with any of the hate if an event goes south. Everyone thinks I dump it all on @Headless, but the reality is, I personally asked headless to stop stressing himself and take a break if needed weeks ago. I told him he didn’t have to go through all of this and should take a break, his response was “nah I like doing it, I appreciate it though. If I need a break I’ll definitely lyk”. 

      8 hours ago, drama said:

      I will say @Ryan is dropping the hammer on inactivity and will be reloading staff with good candidates

      Let’s just say... you guys see drama more often for a reason 🙂 

  9. Tacosmell


    o7 to a real one. Thanks for the FTO test dog @Outcast
  10. happy bday @Hurricane

    1. Hurricane


      Ran out of reactions thanks bb

  11. If anyone plays MLB the Show 20 hmu 

    1. Legendary


      have you tried super mega baseball 3? 

  12. This is why you keep cash in a safe

    1. Linka


      the joke here is the word ATM is now banned on the forums

  13. Boyssssss. If a montage gets monetized should i post it on vimeo or make another suitable for youtube

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gaz


      Just let it be monetized, as long as they dont take it down who cares

    3. Tacosmell


      it got taken down lol 

    4. gaz


      Yeah just pick a new song

  14. you can control day/night and the length of them from what I remember it's just a matter of implementing the script
  15. i'm bored and need a montage to edit someone hmu i got you

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