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Everything posted by Tacosmell

  1. Didnt know that was possible but i'll know for next time thanks
  2. Need the communities feedback on this
  3. Big facts here. I would be more than happy to be given a role to run tournaments, leagues, etc. for the community. Please someone hmu so these csgo leagues, OW leagues, and stuff actually happen 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacosmell


      I can assure you that it would be well organized and done properly. Most people are not going to take something serious considering it is not completely coming from someone with a position that can pin/feature a post you feel?

    3. Evann


      7 minutes ago, tacosmell said:

      I can assure you that it would be well organized and done properly. Most people are not going to take something serious considering it is not completely coming from someone with a position that can pin/feature a post you feel?

      he has some ways of making people ... disappear...

    4. Google


      I feel like to prove that people want this you first should begin by doing it without this title you want, then you'll be given one hopefully if they see how big it could be.

  4. Everything should be under control now.
  5. Need a security role in this community at this point 

    1. swrvy
    2. YIKERS123123


      hmmmm what do you mean by security fix the loopholes and backdoors the server is filled with. better encryption? 

  6. Prob just want to chill out for a bit with buying big stuff like this
  7. Lmao to make sure this doesn't go horribly wrong try and get some people who know a lot about how a gang wars event should be run to help you. If you stream it. Goodluck lmao
  8. Okay so this is not a network problem considering what you have said. There is something going on with your RAM, but since you have 64 GB of RAM which is overkill for PC gaming idk why you are having problems. Try and reset your RAM sticks physically in your case by taking them out and setting them back in (could help). After that try and reinstall ARMA 3 itself in efforts to resolve something going on with the game files on the backend. If none of that works, make another post lol
  9. Highly recommend stewie's config for CSGO

    1. Civak


      can u send me the config u use for ur booter

    2. Tacosmell
  10. Is this a joke lol

  11. hit you with that ddu du ddu du

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tacosmell


      Yeah gimme like a month i'll be dating her 

    3. Larkerz


      Just now, tacosmell said:

      Yeah gimme like a month i'll be dating her 

      go get her.


      2 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      Stay away from Lisa thats @tacosmell's girl lmao

      Literally copied the du du part into google and that was the first thing that came up lmao. I remembered a post not too long ago about them and was like, this gotta be it lmao.

    4. Millennium
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