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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Julian

  1. I always knew @Sandman had a Woman in him.

    1. Unjo


      TBF engine one was still operational

    2. ItsGG



      the amount of times I have questioned @Sandmans gender lol

    3. Pledge
  2. Congratulations to one of the boys @Scribble 

    on getting Corporal.

  3. I have to agree with him,this would be abused a shit ton.
  4. Don't go to Kavala!Most of the people that want to ruin your experience just spawn Kavala kill a couple of people and then CL on a Cop/Vigi when they get caught.
  5. Congratulations to one of the boys @Scribble 

    on the Coordinator position.

  6. Just when I thought Puerto Rico was almost done with the Electricity Issues.The whole island decides to go dark again boys.

    Bigoted FUCK!

  7. OMG,I wake up and I see my boy @Ignis is BACK!

    Welcome back bby and congratz to @OutCast.Well deserved.

  8. Whoever voted 1.Go back to high school. Whoever voted 9,you might just be able to save the world from people who vote 1. That is all!
  9. OOF
  10. @King says this equation equals 1 but people who are actually smart say it equals 9. Save Math and tell us your answer with FACTS not feelings.
  11. Who am I supposed to @ScreaM at now. o7 man.Hope to see you back so I can say I'm better at fortnite than you.
  12. Thank you Sire.
  13. Not if it's consensual.
  14. We can finally agree on something. @Proud You will be roasted by people again to the point that you will cry a little.Stop being toxic. @Peter Long We might need you to do some spanking again Father. @DeadPool If I was 18 and had a couple bucks saved up I'd do it.My family loves cruise ships and we have a #1 rule:"Don't go on a cruise without a family member".
  15. Congratulations to @RogueMK & @Egnazio on promotions.

  16. I'm gonna say this.There is supposed to be a balance in everything(Light & Darkness,Good & Evil,Respect & Cancer like you) but this does not mean you are needed nor wanted. I say this because at this point I feel bad for you. Move on and Get a better life,sincerely from the heart man.
  17. I let this abomination into Support Team and Senior Support Team AND someone made HIM A MOD. ABORT!... jk LOVE YOU @Jamie <3
  18. I wonder why the Senior Support Team don't allow you back I shall quote the words of @TheCmdrRex "Reformed btw Keep enjoying the APD/Support Team blacklist buddy"
  19. Sir,I would recommend seeing a mental health professional because you have some serious issues.
  20. Honestly man,sounds like an awesome idea but devs have a lot of work as it is.Staff can correct me if I'm wrong but if you have the knowledge to make this kind of dev stuff,just apply for developer.
  21. This something I need. LETHAL HUNGRY COMRADES,UNITE!
  22. @Peter Long This man just made Idolize him more than Captain America...Umm...I mean my parents.


    You the boss!

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