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Morgan Freeman

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Everything posted by Morgan Freeman

  1. Me trying to read this in one
  2. Fuck me, learn how to use a full stop
  3. Bring back the old armed planes the ghost hawk gun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toxicc
    3. Kamikaze


      anyone that can press left click can use that


    4. toxicc


      Not everyone has the money to learn how to use one.. 


  4. Message a dev they'll sort it out something to do with their database
  5. Can we please not get a cooldown every time someone has it disabled or declines the bet

    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      I mean I don't bet anymore but yea I agree. I believe that it causes server lag though, could be wrong.

    2. PoptartRex


      It still costs server performance unfortunately so it won’t happen

  6. Hmmm refused comp, thats why i comped soulz 25k and offered everyone else comp and you didnt reply, Thats also called dysnc.
  7. 100% a bully victim, how many homes you been in kid Karma
  8. We've been told not to use the quilin
  9. Time for the Brits to take over

    1. i win

      i win

      God save the Queen!

  10. holy shit, i always wanted a 6mm suppressor, Didnt know we could actually get them
  11. selling moonshine house that is a 3 crater, which is 900m away from brewery. Offers below or PM https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1679131872
  12. Dont take it to heart
  13. @drama Everyones killed you
  14. I am the owner of this house and it won’t be sold for a while.
  15. lost 55mil in a row
  16. Best experience so far on Olympus has to be tonight, being in a call with duper’s and listening to them scream when the ban hammer came.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Richard


      His stats aren’t wiped though

    3. Ryan


      @RDyer216 That has since been handled dw ;) EZ Pipe

    4. Richard


      12 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      @RDyer216 That has since been handled dw ;) EZ Pipe

      Ok perfect.  He passed me on leaderboards and I didn’t like it.  Was gonna ask for compensation cause my heart can’t handle losing more spaces 

  17. @Kyle Lake
  18. 3.5mil
  19. mate you're shit cant even kill someone when they get revived, you really dont need a house
  20. 3mil
  21. 1MIL
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