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savage (;

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Everything posted by savage (;

  1. Rest In Peace my boy, will always remember the fun laughs me you and little bill had love you my g watch over me
  2. Everyone getting banned for cheating?



    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Only cheaters ;D

    2. Rusty


      Why do people put scripting ban message as there signature LOL doesn't make you good, i can go script right now if i want too lol. Kids these days

  3. Woah seems a little harsh? You running a military gang?
  4. My boy
  5. 1 month im pretty sure
  6. Happy birthday big D ;)

    1. JoeL


      Yeah hopefully he's living a good 18 year old unlicensed no career life :).

    2. JoeL


      39 minutes ago, Joel said:

      Yeah hopefully he's living a good 18 year old unlicensed no career life :).

      I didn't mean to roast you like this @DeNiaL

    3. DeNiaL
  7. does anyone know how to fix frame drops like ill have 70 then 15 30 back to 70 ?

  8. 25k and 1 dollar
  9. why are you sucking his dick?
  10. why would you stay up for 24 hours ? bad for your health
  11. YOU IN TS?
  12. 500 k? For 3?
  13. Add me if you ever want to run dous :) in h1z1 


    1. Jmb


      badaim has no pals and likes to play duos


      hes shit though u better have a big backpack

    2. ScreaM


      2 hours ago, Jmb said:

      badaim has no pals and likes to play duos


      hes shit though u better have a big backpack

      can confirm badaim got his head ripped off by JoshOG

  14. Ik lmao and they still wont unban me fuck those pussies
  15. Fuck that gay medic shit
  16. Banned for false switch?
  17. Happy birthday cutie <3 

  18. Happy b day @Jazzy :wub:



    1. Tman15tmb


      I feel like I banned someone named Jazzy today.. I have bad short term memory. If it was you, sorry man! Happy birthday @Jazzy!

    2. OlympusAccount
  19. Did the stats for the last gang wars ever come?

  20. Can you photoshop me being jacked beacuse im fat
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