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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Looking for cinematographers and editors for some projects I plan on doing. HMU if you know anyone/are someone that can help.

  2. Well we have to figure out how we want to track it, wether it be most caps held on all 3 of our servers or a per server type thing, or a specific cap, etc. This whole thing is a WIP so we will see. I am also interesting in looking into a loadout saving for warpoint shop. Will see
  3. Was intentional, but isnt permanent. Post to be made later today
  4. No, just got to wait for us to get the server up.
  5. So the MC server is in its final stages, and we need to test out a whole bunch of crap to make sure everything will run smoothly for release. We need to test out Factions, whats broken, if you can claim, what perms you got, etc. Although we did this testing on our own, by now we should learn that sometimes that shit breaks. If you'd like to help test for in game rewards on arma, or just come to test to be the first to see please send me a PM or just post down below. Thanks! Also hit up the discord for it here: https://discord.gg/W4WeHNW
  6. So its about that time we talked about this goal... Federal Event Monthly Gang Perks: So I pretty much had an idea where (after we figure out how we should track the stats for it) those that hold the most successful feds or make the most money (The stats again are TBD) get a reward for the next month. So for example if Tree or DB does the most feds for the month, the next month they have their own gang uniform or a perk like faster processing (again TBD). This is obviously not the fix, but is a start to a fed rework id like to do to bring another fed season on Olympus. We may also add a new stat on the stats page for it. Cartel Monthly Stats/Perks System: This realistically is the same thing as the Federal Event rewards. Essentially the gang to hold the most cartels for the month would have the same opportunities for those rewards. So if Synergy holds the most cartels for the month, they have the opportunity for a gang uniform, or faster cap time or even some gang funds. This idea was given to me by the cartel @Civilian Council, so credit on them. This will also have some new stats on the stats page. We are also looking into more incentives to want to fight cap, such as adding the new cartel event system where its pretty much like a Domination-like event where you get money based on contesting and winning the event. Details to be fleshed out between the Devs and the Cartel council. As always if you guys got any ideas or suggestion on how we should expand on these ideas post them below Appreciate all the support on Olympus so far, and thanks!
  7. Server 3 should be back up and running :P 

  8. FYI although the loadout saving isn’t something that is your fault, abusing it is. If you are caught abusing the bug you will be banned from our servers. Thanks :) 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hunter


      10 hours ago, Ziggyuwu said:

      soooo using loadouts to fight is ok?


      10 hours ago, Ryan said:



      Abusing meaning you get a suicide vest loadout save or titan or anything in general and just mass spawn them in for free and store them in your house. We won’t stop people from using the actual feature, just don’t be a dumbass about it. 

      So we are allowed to use it for cartel fights?

  9. I DIDNT DO IT blame mr sr dev @ikiled
  10. The server is currently off so it should be good.
  11. Omg childish such a good update omg you’re amazing omg plz give me supervisor thx
  12. I mean this downtime is just for this week... y’all flipping shit over nothing atm lmao
  13. Who's @Fusah?

    1. Millennium


      He is a senior developer of the Olympus Entertainment Community

      damn it, it did not work as a support ticket.

  14. For this week only (Monday - Thursday) server 3 will be locked in order for us to do some additional testing. This is NOT permanent, just something we need to do for this week. If any changes come with S3, we will make a post notifying the community, but as of right now it is not going anywhere. If you see S3 is locked all day, well now you know why
  15. There was an issue with obfuscation on update causing some fuck ups. Fixing it rn 

  16. So you broke a rule, got banned for said rule and then expect to get special treatment where staff respond to you instantly? What correlation do my developers have with administration? if your that mad that we are working on improving our “dying server” instead of providing you 24/7 support when you fucked up then you can leave and not a single person would care Dont @ me for stupid shit like this I had to spend 30 minutes spamming into my own server. You’re cooked lmao
  17. This drama really is spicy, glad I got some entertainment on the forums again ;) 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. proud


      i like drama! along with my 100 fuckin mil

    3. Rashad


      Yo tell danger to drag me in support or can you help me? i was banned for exploiting and believe it was a false accusation or a mistake.

    4. Strikke


      Yo tell danger to drag me in support or can you help me? i was banned for exploiting and believe it was a false accusation or a mistake.

  18. Will leak one line of update if you say my name. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thor
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      One of these has gotta be it!

      Abba אבא Male Hebrew "Father"  
      It usually comes in conjunction with the name Abraham and secondary to it: "Avrohom Abba." The relationship between the two names is obvious: Abraham was the father of our nation (Gen. 17:5) . But it may also be used as an only name. Has been used since Talmudic times. Many great sages went by that name such as the Amora Rav, whose name was Abba Aricha; Rabbi Abba; Abba Uman and Abba Shaul.
      Adam אדם Male Hebrew "Earth" Odom
      Biblical. Genesis 1:27; refers to the first man G‑d created. With great wisdom, Adam named all the animals (The Midrash, Bereishit Raba 17:4).
      Aharon אהרון Male Hebrew "Light; Teaching; Enlightening" Aron, Arik, Oren, Ore, Arel, Arele, Orel, Arke, Orkeu, Arush, Orush, Arushka, Arushke
      The Biblical name of Moses’ brother, Aaron (Exodus 4:14; 6:20). Derived from the Hebrew word for light, ohr. Also from the Hebrew word for teaching; enlightening. Aharon was known for encouraging peace. He was the first High Priest and his descendants remain priests.
      Alexander, Aleksander אלקסנדר Male Old Greek "Helper of man; defender" Aleksender, Aliksender, Sender, Sander, Sandor, Sender, Sendush
      Very often coupled with Ziskind. First used in Jewish circles in gratitude to Alexander the Great for his kindness to the Jewish nation during his battles to conquer the world. This form was so close to the non-Jewish family name that many Jews whose father's and grandfather's name was Sander, simply adopted the surnames Sanders or Saunders after migrating to English-speaking countries. Alexander also became a family name.
      Alter אלטר Male Yiddish "Old one" Alter, Altir, Altmann
      In Yiddish, an "old man." One of the amuletic names. This is one of the amuletic names. Often given to a newborn after another child in the family died at a young age. The name symbolizes a prayer for longevity. If a male child died soon after birth or very young, the next born male child was sometimes given the name Alter alone, or in combination with another name. The parents, in giving the name, expressed their prayer that the newborn child should live to be an old man. See also Alte. The family name Alter is a derivative. (Not to be confused with the family name Altar which has a completely different etymological origin. Altar was a small island in a river in medieval France. After a local pogrom, some Jews who escaped adopted the name of their place of birth as their family name.)
      Aryeh, Aryeih Leib ארי'ה לייב Male Hebrew "Lion" Leib, Leibel, Leibele, Leibish, Leibush, Lev, Levke, Aryeh, Ari, Arik, Artze, Artzi, Arke, Arel
      The symbol of the Tribe of Judah, indicating strength and fearlessness. Often paired with its Yiddish translation, Leib. Yehudah took the lion as the symbol of his Tribe, and as Jerusalem became the capital of the Kingdom of Yehudah, the lion is the symbol of the City of Jerusalem. Biblical. Bereishit, 49:9. Leib is Yiddish for "lion," and as the symbol of the Tribe of Judah is a lion, Leib is used also together with the name Yehudah. See also Yehudah Leib. The family name Leibler derives from this form. From the early Yiddish forms Lowe and Lobl, there were derived the names Loew and Loebel—Lobel. In certain countries, Jews with the name Aryeh or Yehudah used other translations such as Leon and Leo. From these translations there developed the family names Leeman and Lehman. Not to be confused with the family name Leiman, a derivative of Lemu'eil.
      Asher אשר Male Hebrew "Happy one" Osher, Osherel, Osher'l, Asherel, Anshel (Anschel), Anshil (Anschil), Anselm, Anzel, Anzil, Enzel, Enzil, Enzlin, Henzel, Henzil, Zeligl, Zelikl, Zeligmanl, Zelikman, Zelle
      Son of Jacob and father of one of the 12 tribes. Named, “Because of my good fortune, for women have declared me fortunate.” Often paired with its Yiddish equivalent, Zelig. On Asher's birth Lei'ah proclaimed, "For my happiness; for daughters will call me happy. And she called his name Asher." Father of the Tribe carrying his name. It usually comes in conjunction with the name Abraham and secondary to it: "Avrohom Abba." The relationship between the two names is obvious: Abraham was the father of our nation (Gen. 17:5) . But it may also be used as an only name. Has been used since Talmudic times. Many great sages went by that name such as the Amora Rav, whose name was Abba Aricha; Rabbi Abba; Abba Uman and Abba Shaul.
      Avraham אברהם Male Hebrew "Exalted father" Abraham, Avram, Avrom, Avremel, Avremele, Avremka, Avremke
      The Biblical name of the Jewish patriarch Abraham. Originally named Abram (ibid. 11:26), indicating that he was the “spiritual” father of his native land of Aram, G‑d added the Hebrew letter hei, changing his name to Abraham. His new name established him as the leader of the entire world, the “father of a multitude of nations” (see the commentary of Rashi on ibid 17:5). Abraham was known particularly for his hospitality. Biblical. Bereishit, 17:5. Avraham Eiver is a two name combination which is still in use. The diminutive of Eiver is Eivril, and hence we get Avraham Eivril. See also Eiver. Care must be taken not to confuse the diminutive Avril from Avraham; nor the diminutive Evril from Efraiyim.
      Azriel עזריאל Male Hebrew "My help is G‑d" Ezriel, Esriel, Ezzy,
      Biblical. Chronicles I, 27:19. Azriel was also one of the leaders of the tribe of Menasseh who was taken into exile by the kings of Assyria.
      Baruch,(Benedikt) ברוך Male Hebrew "Blessed one" Boruch, Boruch, Bendet, Bendet'l, Bendit, Benedikt
      Biblical. Jeremiah, 32:12. Baruch was a priest (“Kohen”) and a prophets (The Talmud, Megillah 14b). He was a trustworthy assistant to Jeremiah. Baruch transcribed many of the prophesies of Jeremiah (ibid 36:4). When G‑d told Jeremiah to purchase a piece of land, he entrusted Baruch with the deed (ibid 32:12). The Jewish family name Benedikt is derived from the Latin translation of Barukh.
      Bentziyon (Benzion) בנציון Male Hebrew "Son of Zion" Bentzion, Bentze, Bentch, Bentzel, Bentzil, Benchel, Benchil
      Non Biblical. An expression of pining for the Jewish nation to return to its homeland, Israel, and especially Jerusalem, which is referred to as Zion in the Bible (II Samuel 5:7; I Kings 8:1). Can be written as one word or as two words, but only in Hebrew. In English it is normally written as one word.
      Berekhyah ברכיה Male Hebrew "Blessed of the L-rd" Birach, Birech, Beirach, Beirech, Beirich
      Biblical. Zecharyah, 1:7. Father of the Prophet Zecharyah.
      Betzalel בצלאל Male Hebrew "In the shade of the Lord" Betzaleil, Tzalel, Zalel, Zale, Tzalke, Tzali, Zalke, Tzalka, Zalka
      Biblical, Exodus, 31:2. The biblical Betzalel was endowed with super artistic talents by the Almighty. He was the lead architect in charge of building the travelling Tabernacle (the “Mishkan”). The name refers to his immense wisdom (Brachot 55a). G‑d rewarded his dedication to the task by recording the details of the building in great detail (The Midrash, Shemot Rabah 50:3).
      Binyamin(Benjamin) בנימין Male Hebrew "Son of the right (hand); Son of old age" Benyamin, Benyomin, Beinush, Beinis, Bnis, Benji, Ben
      A translation of the Hebrew male name Shem Tov. Biblical, Genesis 35:18. The youngest son of Jacob and Rachel. Benjamin looked like his mother who died during his birth (Zohar 1:202b). “He did not slander with his tongue, (Psalms15:3),” refers to Benjamin (The Midrash, Shocher Tov 15:6). Father of the tribe carrying his name.
      Bunim בונים Male Hebrew "Good name" Bunim, Bunem, Bonim, Bonem, Binim, Binem
      Very often combined with the name Simhah (Simhah Bunim).Reason unknown. Some authorities claim that the name derives from the French bon homme (a good man). It is this author's contention that the name Shem Tov was very popular in pre-expulsion Spain; and this opinion is based on the dozens of Rabbis of pre-expulsion Spain who carried the Hebrew name Shem Tov.During the emigration to France, the name was translated to French. During the following centuries of wandering from country to country the two words bon nomme became contracted to one word. Finally, the pronunciation was influenced by local phonetics.I have yet to discover at any time in history, a Jew with the Hebrew name Ish Tov—a Good Man. A Yiddish name Gutman did eventually evolve independently. Gutmann (Gutman) also became a family name (and in English, Goodman). Bueno (Spanish: good) was a popular name amongst Jews of the Iberian Peninsula:* It is this name that eventually became the Yiddish Gutman. The Gut meaning good, and the man, either the Old German diminutive suffix, or simply the word for a man—meaning a good man. For the female equivalent, see Buna.
      Chanoch חנוך Male Hebrew "Dedicated; Educated and raised correctly" Hanokh, Henikh, Henich, Henel, Henli, Hendl, Hendel, Hendil, Enikh, Einikh
      Biblical. Genesis, 5:18,21,24. A seventh-generation descendant of Adam known for his righteousness, “And Enoch walked with G‑d.” (ibid. 5:24) Son of Yered and father of Metushelah, the oldest human that ever lived—969 years. Hanokh was the great-grandfather of Noah. The Torah records that he did not die, but was taken alive to G‑d on account of righteousness. A seventh-generation descendant of Adam known for his righteousness, “And Enoch walked with G‑d.” (ibid. 5:24)
      Chayim (Chaim) חיים Male Hebrew "Life, "Living" Chai, Hai, Heiman, Cheyman, Chayyimel, Chayyimka, Cheikel, Vital, Vidal, Feitel, Veis, Feis, Feist
      Hebrew. Non-biblical. In Judaism, life is highly valued. In fact, it takes precedence over all but three commandments. The name Chaim is sometimes added to a very sick person’s name, to help ensure recovery.
      Chizkiyahu חיזקיהו Male Hebrew "Strengthened by the L-rd; My strength is the L-rd" Hizkiyahu, Hezekiah, Hiz, Hess
      Biblical. Kings II, 18:1. The Biblical name of the righteous King of Judah, Hezekiah. Hezekiah was given this name because G‑d strengthened him, and he in turn strengthened the Jewish nation’s service of their Creator (The Talmud, Sanhedrin 94a). Characterized by his humility (The Midrash, Midrash Hagadol, Vayikra 14)
      Dan דן Male Hebrew "To judge" Betzaleil, Tzalel, Zalel, Zale, Tzalke, Tzali, Zalke, Tzalka, Zalka
      The son of Jacob. Of Biblical origin, Genesis 30:6. It is said of his descendants that they are "energetic, astute and innumerable” (The Midrash, Targum Yonatan Breishit 46:23).
      Daniel דניאל Male Hebrew "G‑d is my Judge" Dan'l, Denel, Dan, Dani, Dany, Danny
      Biblical, Daniel 1:6-7. A prophet who authored the Book of Daniel, lived in Babylon and prophesied about the Messianic era. Much beloved, he spent his time assisting the poor, bringing joy to brides and escorting the deceased on their final journeys (Avot D'Rabbi Nathan 4:5). Daniel and Moses are considered the two defenders of the Jewish nation before G‑d (The Midrash, Shemot Rabah 43:1). Dan was an independent name even before the name Daniel. One of the sons of the Patriarch Yakov(Jacob) was named Dan, and hence the progenitor of the Tribe carrying his name.
      David דויד Male Hebrew "Friend" Dovid, Dovid'l, Dovidka, Dovidke, Devel, Dewil, Tevel, Tevil, Tevele
      Biblical, Ruth, 4:13-21. The Biblical name of King David (Samuel I 16:13). Originally a kind and innovative shepherd (The Midrash, Shemot Raba 2:2), when he became king he cared for the Jewish nation in a similar manner. (The Midrash, Breishit Raba 59:5). Known for his sweet voice, constant praise of G‑d, and for authoring the Book of Psalms (The Midrash, Shocher Tov 18:2). Devel evolved by the elision of the second `T and the adding of the Germanic diminutive el—Davel became Devel. The v-sounding consonant in Tevel can be expressed with either the 11 of Yiddish or the (Ashkenazi, pronunciation veis). This form Tevel in writing is not to be confused with the Yiddish diminutive Tevia-Tevel of Tuviah, nor with the female names Teibel and Teibil.
      Dov (Dov Ber) (דב בער (דובער Male Hebrew "A bear" Dover, Duber, Ber, Bere, Berel, Berele, Berelein, Berelin, Berlin, Berke, Berko, Berek, Berik, Berish, Berush,
      Hebrew, non-Biblical. Dov and Ber share the same letters at the end of Dov and the beginning of Ber. Phonetically it was inevitable that they should contract together to make one name. From Berko there developed amongst Slavic-speaking Jews, the family name Berkowitz and its variant spellings. One of the male animal names. In German, hence in Yiddish, Ber. While adult bears are huge and heavy, cubs usually weigh just a few pounds. It is with extensive care, love and nurturing that the cub becomes a large bear. Proverbs describes a bear whose cub is lost, “May a bereaving bear encounter a person rather than a fool with his folly” (17:12). The closer a parent and child, the most painful it is when they are separated. The name is many times paired with its Yiddish translation, Ber; sometimes considered a single name Dovber.
      Efrayim אפרים Male Hebrew "Fruitful" Efroimke, Efroimka, Efroike, Efroika, Efroimel, Froim, Froimke, Froimka, Froimel, Evril,
      From the root "Peri." The name is in the plural form. Biblical. Genesis, 41:52.37. The son of Joseph. He was born in Egypt and Joseph proclaimed. “G‑d has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction” (ibid). Efrayim was humble and spent time studying with his grandfather, Jacob (The Midrash, Tanchuma Vayechi 6).
      Eliyahu(Elijah) אליהו Male Hebrew "My G‑d is L-rd" Eliyahu, Eliyohu, Elya, Elye, Eli, Elik, Elinke, Elinka
      Biblical. I Kings, 17:1. The Biblical name for Elijah the Prophet (Kings I 17:1). It is said that Elijah attends every ritual circumcision, and will herald the coming of the Messianic era.
      Ever (Eber) עבר Male Hebrew "To go over" Eivril, Eiver, Eiverman
      Root of the word Ivri (a Hebrew). Note the structure of the non-Hebrew word "over" which in Hebrew would imply went or came over. Biblical. Exodus, 10:21-22. Noah’s grandchild Eber was Abraham’s spiritual mentor, and part of the reason Abraham was called Ivri, a derivative of Eber (The Midrash, Breishit Raba 42:8). According to the Midrash, when the inhabitants of the world wished to do evil, G‑d gave them two strong leaders, Shem and Eber (ibid. 52:11). Later, when Jacob was fleeing from his brother Esau he hid for fourteen years at the ""Academy of Shem and Eber"", where he studied Torah (The Talmud, Megillah 17a).
      Elazar(Lazarus) אלעזר Male Hebrew "G‑d has helped" Elozor, Elozer, Lozor, Lozer, Lozir
      Biblical. Exodus, 6:23. 44. Often confused with Eliezer. They have since old been two distinct names, notwithstanding that they are etymologically identical. The son of the High Priest Aaron. Elazar succeeded his father as the High Priest and worked with Joshua on dividing and conquering the Land of Israel (Isaiah 14:1).
      Elchanan אלחנן Male Hebrew "G‑d has graced" Elhonon, Elchonon, Hanan, Chanan, Honon, Choni, Chone, Chona,
      Biblical. Samuel II, 23:24. Chronicles I, 11:26. Was a member of the family that wove the curtains in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. He was one of the “mighty warriors” of King David’s army (Chronicles I 11:26).
      Eliezer אליעזר Male Hebrew "My G‑d helps" Leizer, Leizir, Leizerel, Leizerke, Lazer.
      Biblical. Genesis, 15:2. Abraham’s servant. Most known for his involvement in being Abraham’s emissary to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis ch. 24), he hailed from Damascus and was influenced by Abraham to embrace a life of monotheism. After mastering Abraham’s teachings, he taught others (The Talmud, Yoma 28b).
      Elimelech(Elimelekh) אלימלך Male Hebrew "My G‑d is king" Melekh, Melech, Melikh, Meilekh, Meilikh, Meilech
      Biblical. Ruth, 1:2. Of Biblical origin (Biblical. Ruth 1:2); the husband of Naomi, and father-in-law of Ruthwho was the great-grandmother of King David. He was considered a role model in his generation (The Midrash, Avot D'Rabbi Nathan 37), and a man of great strength (The Midrash, Tanchuma Shemini 9). Many exemplary Hassidic leaders have been given this name, including the well known Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.
      Elyakim אליקים Male Hebrew "G‑d will Establish" Elokim, Elaykum, Elyokum, Yokim, Yokum, Yoki
      Biblical. Melakhim 11, 18:18. 51. The Biblical spelling is Elyakim with a ' (i), but there developed a form with the spelling Elyakum with a 1 (u), also. The meaning remains the same. An officer in the royal court of King Hezekiah, king of Judah. Eliakim did not call himself a servant of G‑d, so G‑d gave him his name (Isaiah 22:20), “I will call My servant Eliakim” (The Midrash, Targum Yonatan, Bamidbar 11:26).
      Ezra עזרא Male Hebrew “Help; assistance” Ezra, Esdras
      Biblical (Book of Ezra). Ezra the Scribe led the second wave of Jews returning from Babylon to Israel. He headed the religious revival of the people there at the beginning of the Second Temple era. He also led the Men of the Great Assembly, one of the most influential groups of scholars in Jewish history.
      Fishel פישל Male Yiddish "Fish" Fish, Feish, Fishel, Fishil, Feishel, Feishil, Vish'l
      The name represents the blessing Jacob gave to his grandchildren (Genesis 48:16), “May they multiply abundantly like fish, in the midst of the land.” Many bless their children with these same words on the eve of Shabbat. For this reason Fishel is often paired with Efrayim. Efrayim was one of Jacob’s children, whose children were numerous
      Feivish פייויש Male Yiddish "Light" Fish, Feish, Fishel, Fishil, Feishel, Feishil, Vish'l
      In Judaism, light is often related to spirituality and G‑dliness. Light is also used to bring warmth and happiness to Shabbat, festivals, and joyous occasions – where we make sure to light candles to make the house brighter. Ecclesiastes says, “And I saw that wisdom has an advantage over folly, as the advantage of light over darkness” (2:13), the Hassidic masters explain, that “a little bit of light dispels much darkness” (The Tanya ch. 13).
      Gad גד Male hebrew "Fortune, success, troop" Fish, Feish, Fishel, Fishil, Feishel, Feishil, Vish'l
      Biblical. Genesis 30:11. The son of Jacob. When he was born his mother Leah said, “Luck has come.” She called him luck. He was born circumcised (Rashi ibid.).
      Gavriel (Gabriel) גבריאל Male Hebrew "G‑d's man" Gaby, Gavi, Gavri
      Of Biblical origin (Daniel 8:16); refers to a particular angel.
      Gedaliah גדליה Male Hebrew "G‑d is great" Gedalyah, Godul, Godel, Godil, Godol
      Of Biblical origin Jeremiah 40:7. Gedaliah was appointed governor over the Land of Judah after the first holy Temple was destroyed in 423 BCE. A good and just leader, he encouraged the Jews to live peacefully under Babylonian rule. Under his guidance, Jewish teachings prospered once again in the Land of Israel and Jews began returning from exile in Babylonia. Jeremiah prophesied that if the people followed Gedaliah, life would improve (Jeremiah ch. 40). Paternal grandfather of Tzefanyah the Prophet.
      Gershom גרשם Male Hebrew "Stranger there" Gedalyah, Godul, Godel, Godil, Godol
      Of Biblical origin, Exodus 2:22. Moses’ eldest son. His mother Zipporah called him Gershom because, "I was a stranger in a foreign land." (ibid.), so that the name would remind him that he is ‘there’ away from other Jews, in a strange land. Rabbeinu Gershom Mehor Hagola was a famous sage by that name.
      Immanuel עמנואל Male Hebrew "G‑d is with us" Emanuel, Manuel, Meni, Moni, Monye, Monya, Manya, Monel, Monoil
      Biblical. Isaiah 7:14. Refers to the son of the Prophet Isaiah. Ahaz prophesied that the Kingdom of Judah would be victorious against its adversaries, and promised that as a sign, G‑d would bless Isaiah’s wife with an infant, and “she shall call his name Immanuel,”- “G‑d is with us” (ibid.)
      Kalonymus קלונימוס Male Old Greek Kalon—"beautiful;" Nymus—"name" Kolonymus, Kalman, Kalmenka, Kalmenke
      In Ecclesiastes (7:1) we read, “A [good] name is better than good oil.” Good oil is temporary, but a good name is eternal (Rashi ad loc). Rabbi Shimon used to say, “There are three crowns: the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood and the crown of sovereignty, but the crown of a good name surmounts them all” (Ethics of Our Fathers 4:13).
      Kuni קוני Male Old Spanish "Childish" Kooni, Kuna, Kune, Kunya, Kunye
      Children are pure and without sin. We guide them and help mold them into responsible adults. As we mature, we should try to remain pure and sinless, like a child.
      Lemuel למואל Male Hebrew "Belonging to G‑d" Lemueil, Lemoel, Leme, Lemel, Lemla, Lemle, Lemke, Lemki, Lemken, Lemkin, Lemlein, Lemlin, Lam, Lamlin Lima, Leima, Liman, Leiman, Lemekhel, Lemekhil
      Lemu/Lemo plus Eil. A contraction of both words. Biblical. Proverbs, 31:2-9. Refers to King Solomon. He is called Lemuel in reference to one of his prophesies that he said, “for [the sake of] G‑d” (Rashi ad loc). Also called Lemuel because he dedicated his life to serving G‑d. The opening passage of Proverbs, 31:1 can be read in two ways, with two results. If the comma is placed after the word melekh (king), then it refers to King Shlomoh, and it then means that he is counselling with his mother's advice, and he was also called Lemueil (belonging to G‑d), as one dedica
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