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Status Replies posted by Ryan

  1. @ Zahzi  get out the kitchen and make a +1 reaction. 

  2. @ Zahzi  get out the kitchen and make a +1 reaction. 

  3. @ Zahzi  get out the kitchen and make a +1 reaction. 

  4. What do web devs even do. We got the same old lame reactions and forums. Develop some shit Jesus Christ HTML is for babies

  5. What happened to profile songs this time? 

  6. What happened to profile songs this time? 

  7. y tf my packet loss to every oly server sitting at 40% but my connection to literally everything else is fine ????

  8. Hi @ Noble

    At this time we have had to decline you application for the position of moderator.  It was brought to @ Ryan  attention that you are uncircumcised and something about that doesn't sit right with him.  He has however told me to offer you the name and number of his Rabbi if you are willing to have the procedure performed.  Between you and me I would not suggest it since all indications point to said Rabbi having never sharpened his dentures since he botched Ryans.

    Best of luck in your future endeavours

    Olympus Staff

  9. I'm playing in the World Series of Poker Event #2: The Reunion. If I place top 10 I'll donate $1,000 to Olympus. If I win outright, I'll donate $10,000. Tournament is October 1st-October 6th. Smooches 😘

  10. Gang base skirmish started. Isnt that supposed to be tomorrow? 

  11. The fact that this server is still alive warms my heart. 

  12. Should i be able to hear the song i add to my account or  did i do it wrong?


  13. I have gone into staff point debt not once, but twice now. How the fuck? I’m literally property of Olympus right now.

  14. I have donated $15.00 to the server. I hope this can be compensation for your recent DoorDash order error.


  15. olympus breeds different types of weird cunts

  16. server not joinable cuz its not updated, @ Ryan wake up u drunken fuck

  17. server not joinable cuz its not updated, @ Ryan wake up u drunken fuck

  18. 70f95a33ed55a87a39133334fff27c56.jpg @ Ryan why u got Kav lookin like Syria

  19. Yo this new VON is legit

  20. how come you cant gift someone a sub?? like you can for donoations? @ Zahzi  @ Mako


  21. e12c45e7cf935daaf942b73154a68fc23b9df790

    @ Fraali  @ Mako  T Minus ~ 1 day

  22. https://gyazo.com/9de0780461a3aecf16455559916a3b5e
    Granits are the same armor as everything else. 💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥

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