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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Congrats @Ryan 3rd times the charm!

  2. If you are being killed by me in planes, learn how to avoid the shots... https://gyazo.com/7c011a9a6887ed987e152962057f9911

  3. @Ryan I knew you would get Corp, 3rd time is always the charm!

    1. hawk


      You literally killed me like 5 times today with the plane :( 

  4. 122
  5. Oof best streamer na y’all best be there
  6. @Last says "there is no proof they're breaking rules in the video, there could have been engagement and there could have also been great RP for killing them in restraints, plus video is'nt 5 min long not so RDM is not being broken..." 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dangus


      I mean, if we're honest, Mass RDM doesn't usually consist of four people and two ghosthawks

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Big deal. They have a system when it comes to dealing punishment. It wasn't followed here. Not that I agree or disagree. Just making a point.

  7. $1 Mill givaway ending in 10 min Join & Follow to enter at https://twitch.tv/viperofficial_

  8. $2.5 Mill giveaway tomorrow at 7:00 Central, make sure to follow @ https://twitch.tv/Viperofficial_ ***Must follow to be entered into raffle*** 

  9. Just sitting here waiting for the Olympus Squeaker-Banathon v.1

    @Peter Long

  10. 96
  11. Next gang wars will be streamed by @kev and I, :Kappa: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/235310788

  12. “Xbox screenshot that”
  13. Punt me in this @Monkeysz it’s the thought that counts https://gyazo.com/d8d544bcb02bebd29ba0a3ac200fda2a
  14. Hype it up Fastest DIY to getting rich in under 10 min
  15. You can’t fix ugly...
  16. What server
  17. If you could breath a little harder when you run it would give me more immersion
  18. fake news its 2k18
  19. Viper


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