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Everything posted by hawk

  1. @Fusah Congrats on lead dev. :wub:

  2. o7, another Canadian is gone. I didn't talk to you much but you were a very chill dude, good luck in your future!
  3. I told you that you'd get it if you put in the work. Congrats @DeadPooL

  4. Was fun memeing with you, at least you'll still be around
  5. Ghosthawks will be following normal ghosthawk rules, so we can't just pipe everyone in Kavala lmao, would be fun tho
  6. Hate to be that guy... But it's vigilantes, not "vigilanties"
  7. When a meme post goes too far..
  8. Congrats on the new ranks @AstralC @TheCmdrRex and  @Pledge :)

  9. Congrats on the promos @ikiled, @Fusah and @Ignis

  10. I don't really see sAPD camp houses or sheds a lot anymore, although I can be wrong as obviously I cant be on all 3 servers looking where all the cops are. I completely disagree with wave rule during a gang shed search though, mainly because adding wave rule outside of a redzone would be fucking DISASTROUS. It would bring up more grey areas and rules that will confuse the fuck out of everyone. Adding exceptions to when wave rule applies out of a redzone shouldnt be the first solution. I don't mind finding a way to make it more balanced for civs, but we would want some suggestions and ideas.
  11. So you're saying cops shouldnt be allowed to search a shed after 45 minutes due to them constantly getting shot at by rebels, that makes no sense. You can't prevent a search of a shed by doing more illegal activities lmao
  12. Just to clarify, we have 45 minutes to search AFTER the situation has been deemed clear.
  13. Gang life is not dead, there are more ifrits, striders and hunters being used on cap compared to how many qilins there used to be sometimes lmao. Fights pop off everyday
  14. @xDRO Last time a post was made to free a BW member it worked So you're the one who taught @Deadpool this trick. I remember I was going to search his house and he sold it after he killed me.
  15. We should've never told @Toasty he can change it
  16. It also comes with a free poutine
  17. I'll see you there in 2020
  18. hawk


    I would pay for this
  19. Everything except scrap metal, lockpicks and that's all I can remember, I did it so long ago so I might have forgot an item or two.
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