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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. I only fly in admin spawned one because the guns are enabled on them and yes from time to time I fly them and use the guns to kill friends joking around. I never said people dont use them for anything else besides scouting. Ik there is more than 20 but there is prob give or take 20 people that actively play and take advantage of it.
  2. Sounds like a plan.
  3. LIke 20 civs out of the entire population of Civs? Nah.
  4. Im sure a lot of people would disagree with you.
  5. No in the APD handbook technically if this Jet was a thing they could land it at an HQ and pull a ground vehicle and go back.
  6. Would you say giving one of those to the APD would be over powered?
  7. https://gyazo.com/65ca31d30bf12530052370fc9447e9c4 If you had extensive time played on both of the concerning factions and had any idea how server balance works you would realize that this change helps more civs than it hurts.
  8. The roleplay with jets were thrown out the window when they were added no one in a jet before making it illegal were going to stop to talk to cops when they can out run them and not get shot out. Basically no consequences. Just because the Vehicle is illegal does not mean they have to act on it. If they want to roleplay they aren't required to chase you just like they did when they let you drive a jet down the MSR when I can assume you prob had a bounty along with a illegal weapon.
  9. How the fuck do you roleplay with something that goes 1200+?
  10. Just because something does not affect the APD does not mean that the APD should not act against it to "nerf" it. This nerf is meant to help other civs because it discourages the use use of this vehicle that can scout the map at supersonic speeds that can easily find someone to rob. And how often do you think that a cop is going to be able to seize a jet. I can guarantee that less than 15 will be seized over the next 6 months.
  11. Hope to see your name green again one day
  12. damn king von really got killed.

    1. JuanDeaged


      Caught lackin on 63rd rip 

    2. Drippp


      Quando rondo homeboy smoked him. If I was there shit woulda been different 

    3. Billeh


      Moderator @Drippp protects the streets like he protects the olympus community

  13. Who do you guys think is winning this election and why?

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. NokiaStrong
    3. MAV


      AP and BBC certainly are the best sources of news, they have their biases (as everyone does) but its typically on a reporter by reporter basis in both directions and not media outlet wide.

      Anyone thinking one side or the other will win with any level of certainty needs to down a bottle of X-LAX to assist in removing your head which is firmly lodged in your asshole...

      This election will not be decided by fraud... is there fraud? probably.. is there mass fraud? Doubt it.. This election will be decided on technicalities and margin of error. No matter the outcome in most states, the losing party will sue. Then each ballot will be reviewed with a fine tooth comb. Many ballots will be tossed. Some ballots that weren't counted in the initial count, but appeared after the cut off may work its way in, etc. 

      Facts are mail in voting has a far higher margin of error then in person voting, that margin will be where the election is won/lost.

  14. Happy birthday big dog

  15. I wasn’t talking about the guy that made the thread the guy that was bashing him for not having many hours we agree somewhat, obviously it doesn’t take 1k hours to realize what is boring and what isn’t but it takes more to care about how some events would impact the rest of the server.
  16. Dog you barely have 650 you’re talking why? are people not allowed to make suggestions?
  17. https://clips.twitch.tv/HyperRelatedDadThisIsSparta I got into tee grizzleys among us game as baby blick

    1. Airborne


      o7 @Horizon is about to become a professional rapper under the guidance of Tee Grizzly

  18. I have been strongly considering doing exactly this when I graduate from high school how is it?
  19. ffd085a912490ebafee77a67577d7d73.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Panda :)
    3. Millennium


      It was in a status update and usually its vertical, but that ss is long horizontally

    4. gaz


      Jesus Christ is the one true god and trump is his messenger 

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