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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. Who increased the amount you can downvote smh

  2. one of these days il be able to come back and blow up vigi outposts again, already wrote 50k lines of code this week and still aint done fml.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monster


      fuck you mouf beach

    3. DeadPool


      @M5Ware So this is who makes your shit

    4. KrispyK


      dont think im coding hacks boy :Kappa:


  3. All I want for Christmas is a pass to rdm vigis

  4. just wasted 35$ on star citizen. this game buggy as fuck. lazy devs still havnt fixed important ship bugs after 4 years y i k e s

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monster


      I've got my moneys worth out of arma, and now with the hours i have i want to die
      7k+ hours and im still ass

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Star Citizen is the ultimate cash grab scam.  Even DayZ has seen more development ;D

    4. KrispyK


      atlest im getting paid to dev for an artist friends shit to make my money back.

  5. My boy xlax is finally free 

  6. Corps force pos to bullet shield
  7. Add a new role that gets paid to defend rebel against vigis

    1. GregoV1


      Their called rookbangers

  8. Not even pos have a hunter.
  9. atlas is litterally just ark LOL same fucking assets and ui

  10. Who gave this man the leadership of civ rep council
  11. Example of a civ mindset, everything must be to their advantage and all other roles must not be worth playing. Cops make shit money pop time. All money is split.
  12. So you want cops to make no money, be forced to rp, and have worse load outs? What exactly do cops get out of this Unpopular opinion Olympus should report all ddosers to the police
  13. If cops arnt allowed on warzone why are vigis

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      @ThatNerdyGuy is a master of ruining gang life. JK he hands out free warpoints 

    3. yung matt

      yung matt


    4. Millennium


      1 you can control, 1 you cant

  14. was never good to begin with rnr blacklist incoming? he may not want to help jewish people Christians do the same shit lmao
  15. EU people complaining about events being held on US time on a US server :bruh:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Also not to get too persnickety technically they are Canadian servers ;D

    3. J O E

      J O E

      9 hours ago, KrispyK said:

      Almost everyone here is US. atlest before braindead asylum members jumped ship

      Never touched asylum

  16. vanilla bad host voltz
  17. i have thick skin for sale for 20$ if anyone needs it


  18. when your main catchs a perm from an alt you bought off someone 6 months ago, see yall in a few days while this clears up lmao

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KrispyK


      its real hello

      im pretty sure im not a black 15 year old who was the one that got permed

    3. Arigato


      1 hour ago, KrispyK said:

      hopefully dante gets on ts soon LOL

      Night shift tonight so unlikely hahaha

    4. KrispyK


      already talked to him, wont be able too till tommarow lmao


  19. cant tell if feral buff or nerf :thinking-face_1f914:

    @Orgondo thoughts? 

    1. Orgondo


      Huge buff in my opinion, they can actually aoe now with the Rip spread and their single target will go up. Actually raid potential now and potentially good at Keys

    2. KrispyK


      damn, i might have to use my main character again besides for healing. 

  20. Let's hunt who ever is on vigi council like a mf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      Part of scat life is hunting vigis.

      It's a meme, laugh a little. You say nigg** slot but you got this position :thinking-face_1f914:

      7 minutes ago, DeadPooL said:

      Just for that and the troll app you are not Perm Denied. Have a nice day.

      There will be no witch hunting or shit posters in the council.

      Wasn't a troll app. I actually wanted the position and the local retard was a joke. But go off I guess.

    3. monster


      What if the vigilante rep, isn't even a vigilante, and just their to fuck over the role :hmm:

      Also Im pretty sure mcdili used to run around screaming nig*** and he was owner, and maybe a couple other things so questioning why @DeadPooL has his position because hes says nig*** is honestly pointless

    4. KrispyK


      true. but denying me for calling my self the local retard is pretty stupid

  21. It has to be a modpack or people will cheat. Like voltz
  22. can we please get a better anti cheat iv lost a mil in the past two days

    1. Bloodmoon


      Just make a new anti-cheat :4head:

    2. monster


      the anti cheat already stops so many cheats but it doesnt stop all of them, thats how its always gonna be, no anti cheat stops all cheats.

    3. -dante-


      8 minutes ago, mon5t3r said:

      the anti cheat already stops so many cheats but it doesnt stop all of them, thats how its always gonna be, no anti cheat stops all cheats.

      This. Whenever an anti chest adjusts to a new kind of hack, they just make a work around and it’s back in action. It’s not as simple as just “getting a better anti cheat”

  23. we have successfully drove @normals vigi gang from kavalas streets. youre welcome. thanks major pain and nugget for assisting the APD in destroying this plague 

  24. bad hacker server 1

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Richard


      I’m saying more like a nice hacker. They’re all bad, but a non mean one 

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