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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. you make more posts than i make status updates
  2.  when you broke and the raven skin is for sale feelsbad









    wheres all the money buyer 12 year olds when you need the,


  3. Reperm rp Slayer and I'll never make a status update again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proud


      reperm? my nigga still permed

      u should still chill with the updates tho cuz like no one cares tbh

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Give him a double perm, like when someone gets convicted for murder and they get two life sentences.

    4. KrispyK


      For 10 million doars I will stop

  4. Guess I shouldn't end Aurora after all? :thinking-face_1f914: would like a name change tho

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      nah dont end aurora end yourself and ur stupid ass posts

    2. JoelPhone
  5. K
  6. Who even is this rando chubbyelf, one of the nobody dupers
  7. #protest #resist #NotMyDMS
  8. olympus minecraft gangwars when

  9. its kinda shitty that players who got money legit in trades have it taken away and have not got refunded the items they sold tbh :FeelsBad: 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      i mean people buy money steal gang funds make alts ect ect

      theres alot of ways

    3. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      I would keep an eye on that Catsmeow guy he seems PRETTY fishy imo @Jesse

    4. Orgondo


      I agree with Lou, I hear he makes like 100m at a time 


    Gpus are about to go back up. 

    Asus made a crypto-mining motherboard that supports up to 20 GPUs

    1. obeymatt


      What? Do u even understand why gpus went up in the first place 

    2. KrispyK


      for crypto mining. you know people are going to use this

  11. fuck happened to tridents gangfunds?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @SPBojo bought*  Vikings never should have reproduced, they'd be turning in their longboats.

    3. LiL J

      LiL J

      Gary can you check if I’m banned 

    4. Grandma Gary
  12. but its the cops fault for parking a car inside a building, a gate is ment for cars
  13. guess they shouldnt put a quilin there then eh? cant blame a guy for opening a door, thats what they made for
  14. vualt jump over the quilin, open door, if it puts you back when door opens vualt jump again
  15. lets get a gofundme going to get @Peter Long a new hat

    1. iPopsicle


      The bitch has $400 he can buy his own lol

  16. dont think people like my status updates


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KrispyK
    3. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      @ikeem Thank you for your service.

    4. ikeem


      What my nigga I aint doing that you would have dropped already 

  17. sorry. not hard to fill a gang with a bunch of randos and have shed to yourself, il sell for 7+ mil at start.
  18. rule change? rule change? oh you mean the tazers for rebels? no you just destroyed a ton of peoples fun because you couldnt handle it, even ruined my fun because i enjoyed fighting it and caused the server to have a ton of more vigis. you ended a good portion of gang life.
  19. its 15 minutes at most tho. i have never had a problem with cities, i actually enjoy it the most.
  20. if you quit cop for being robbed ur a fucking cry baby its 30k for a gun.
  21. i wont sell it for cheap, let me know if you want to bid. im not posting a screenshot directly for obvious reasons its 2.5 out its advised you send a pm and il post what your offer is.
  22. looking for some people to play blackdesert online with, anyone wanna hit me up? i only have 7 hours of playtime tho

  23. vigi gang omegalul
  24. technically isnt proud ban evading on savages account???


    1. Unjo
    2. Bloodmoon


      10 minutes ago, Jesse said:

      Maybe boonie is the one using your account to post things relating to changing gang stuff and he's just making it seem like it's from you.... hmmm..

      Krispy's autism is one of a kind, it's impossible to replicate.

    3. KrispyK


      @Bloodmoon knows. im ne of a kind

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