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Everything posted by KrispyK
found a new bug
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What is that noise?
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sound card bug while recording
wow, this bug really broke the game!
are jail towers penetrable?
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6 minutes ago, Renim said:
askin bc i got shot through lol
Well it must be then
Shotguns can
idk is ur mom
Getting a tooth pulled on Friday, should I stream Arma while high or nah
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People seriously need to grow the fuck up haha.
Like what do they expect to be posted here? It's a forum with a status update section, as someone going into web development this looks like the definition of social media. I am also a weak ass bitch
Paying out my ass for dental might as well not feel it
cant wait for more life updates from you @ me when you have your first kiss
when someone pulls over 7 seconds after you sirened, previously threatened to shoot you and wondering why he got shot at, when he was already evading then asks for an mx lul
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becuase it was fucking funny at the time lol
1 hour ago, Brennan said:
Why do you feel the need to explain yourself if you didn't do anything wrong? Sounds spooky to me.
Doesn't seem like he is explaining himself. Take the stick out of your ass
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seems about right
anyone know how to stop these fucking csgo giveaway group invites? i get like 20 a day
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lol as soon as i sold my knives they went away
Just make your inventory private, that stopped all of mine.
the toxicity on this site is worse than LoL lol
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shut up
Who are you?
when no corps will allow you to go on recon
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shouldnt even have access to helis my guy.
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Figured Po's would be constantly asking. Reality is that no corporal in his right mind is going to go let you do something that if mistakes are made, would result in disciplinary actions towards him.
I assume this will be just like planes, the rules will either be strictly changed to transport only or they will be taken away completely.
Sorry man, but a lot of Po's aren't ready for the responsibility.
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welcome to communism in oly
What y'all think bout this song for a montage https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=89F5fpvwPr0
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Uh no
Jk lmao
cant wait to see it. @ me when its out
why are vigis getting double money now?
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@JebronLames That is something that they always could have done. That is not new. That is also bannable.
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@TheCmdrRex guess so. just thought more people would be doing it now
cause this server blows
can we PLEASE get a way to opt out of gang wars personally? tired of getting rdmed as soon as i spawn in when i have no say in the matter
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Talk with with other members, if more feel the same way. Bring it up with snipez. If not, may be best to leave. Try and never burn your bridges though!
On phone, cant type for shit
just gonna post it here, snipez isn't the leader or atlest anymore commander fox is lol.
as well as a few others
how about dont be bad