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Everything posted by Fuzz^

  1. not worth the 2 week event disruption ban
  2. dabest is a lot of things but he's not a cheater. free ma boy 

    1. MarveL


      youre dumb he admitted

  3. Tonight I was reminded why i love this game when tased and restrained on cop and held captive being forced to listen to "BLACK LIVES MATTER, GEORGE FLOYD, BREONNAH TAYLOR, SAY THEIR NAMES" for 15 fucking minutes.

    1. silton


      one of the best things ive seen in a while

  4. When i tell you I absolutely lost it when i watched this. 🤣

    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      Give that man a medal.

  5. Is all of support team on a permanent LOA?

    1. Venomm


      damn bro we got lives too


  7. https://gyazo.com/3f03f7d9df9ba13939a9a30705a45128

    This is the hacker on s2 that crashed everyone btw

  8. Actually back for a while this time, hopefully.

  9. Fuzz^


    o7 nigga dont be a stranger....
  10. Damn so thats what the guy you meatshielded did. Dont scam grego....
  11. Put me on a roster

  12. Make custom horns a donation tier

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PoptartRex


      Horns use wayyy too much space for that to be feasible.

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Well shid, unlucky folks

    4. Pledge


      Yeah, doing this would require one of two things


      1) A shit ton of file space 

      2) Server lag when someone spams their horn

  13. Fuzz^

    I'm Back!!!

    Fuck it. im still gonna send it
  14. Yes, Im going to plug it everywhere. 


  15. Well as some of you may know, I o7'ed here a few months ago, and after my break I believe im ready to come back. I won't be super active, seeing as school starts soon. Though I don't want to completely quit the game. Oh yea and here's a treat. (Medic part was meant for Richard and Kyle Lake i like medics)
  16. Fuzz^


    o7 my nigga
  17. @ikiled Glad the server is gonna be back to normal. Even though i dont play. (I had full faith in rex but he was short staffed)

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