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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. So can we go wild with gear from houses and expect it to be returned
  2. Have fun comping major pain
  3. 23939c1dbf9e3b437d1267370e54c20e.png

    Nice new feature

  4. In my opinion I believe a rollback 4-8 hours after the script attack is much more beneficial to the community then mods and admins spending countless hours tracking money through logs
  5. Pretty obvious congrats @MAV

  6. aeb782d754b850dc6c0a304a6d8d3455.png

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Wow, mustve been an inflation ;) 

  7. Yeah I got a new note to the collection today
  8. Still waiting for the R6S war finals @Ravin :) @N7Zero
    1. Messy_0
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      16 minutes ago, Messy said:

      What they do


    3. Morgan Freeman

      Morgan Freeman

      Sold corp recommendations.

  9. Shame some people think the APD have to be an unstoppable object
  10. Oof
  11. F to all the wasted csats fallen to the broken taser script

  12. Appears so :/
  13. Should be a sever donation goal to make this happen
  14. Mostly not olymlus but top tier RP https://youtu.be/H5GKS3D9-kE

  15. For anyone concerened Soulz won his lacrosse game today. Big champ

  16. Hop on olympus training 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unjo


      I think it was the official one, was just stuck at the loading page but this was when rollbacks were happening 

    3. Ryan


      @Unjo Ill look into it, considering the rollbacks or databases have nothing to do with the training server. Thanks though!

    4. EricZ


      @Ryan btw idk if you fixed it but you forgot to disable workshop mods xd ive been using mar 10s on there for awhile lmfao

  17. Spoiling endgame needs to be a blacklistable offence

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Theory


      han solo dies

    3. J O E

      J O E

      Going midnight release so you better bet as soon as I see it I'm putting it on here

    4. Pledge


      Anyone who spoils it for me is blacklisted FYI

  18. They aren't limited to loser PO's :bender-dance:


  19. Go off
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