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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Raiding mushrooms be like

  2. This is why we need downvotes
  3. Punishments need to be consistent otherwise what's the point

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mighty


      2 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

      Literally logged into a booter on stream wtf?

      "Booter had no logs of him hitting anyone off" 

    3. N7Zero


      rules are meant to be broken, otherwise whats the point? image.png.71214b5291ba288140788f031a7e83ec.png

    4. Google


      I have a botnet not a booter!

      oh wait I don’t wanna get banned again.

      oh wait they let you login to your booter on stream but not say you have one jokingly????

  4. Unpaid middle man here
  5. Happy birthday r6 god @N7Zero

  6. 4f2fec56c33c39274695452eff2602a1.png


    1. Millennium


      I knew thats how u won so many bets

  7. Down with salvage monkeys
  8. Unjo


    Combat revive REEEEEEEE
  9. When you only win bets against friends

    Image result for suffering from success

  10. Unjo


  11. When even SPD know they are laggy so the only use mk200s

  12. Is there a ping lock on Olympus, honestly so aids fighting kids with 200 ping with mk200 and he fires 100 shots within 3 seconds

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      Go fight SPD gang then talk on the status,see for yourself its aids to fight 8 people like that

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      @De Fuk I fought a fed against them, shotguns and lagging galore.

    4. Evann


      2 hours ago, Revise said:

      yea its really fun when they frit drop and kill you without getting out


  13. Happy Birthday @Rossco @rapidaax


    1. Rossco


      Thanks brooooo, don't break any more rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  14. Deadpoll at it again Discount with guns + arms + perks Yikes
  15. In relation to shooting tires before engagement and then engaging on the vehicle occupents, how would this work out: [DB] Jim and [DB] James are chilling in kavala. Someome pulls an ifrit and starts driving around. Jim starts chasing the ifrit and engages him, whilst James sets up a spike strip to quickly take care of the ifrit. Unkowning to James, a hatchback comes flying down the msr and takes his wheels out. Rook banging dave thinks he's about to get jumped and starts shooting James. Can James fire back considering he took Dave's wheels out unintentionally.
  16. Need 2 professional gunners for the ghosthawk, engagement to targets is not needed

    1. J O E

      J O E

      I have an excellent experience

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