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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. When you report the boys 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Civak


      DB: *does a fed*

      Unjo: 4️⃣🚴‍♂️

    3. Zahzi


      Going to bed angry

    4. Revise


      atleast he wont wait 200 meters outside of rebel anymore

  2. NSM lol
    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      That orca has some fuckin balls

    2. maxg


      @Jelly Donut PS. you can't rotor tap a blackfish lol

      Easy 29.5 mill 🤗

    3. Jelly Donut

      Jelly Donut

      bro leave me alone ;(

  3. Kavala black hole event?

    1. GregoV1


      Just get m5 on and call it an event 

  4. Throwback to when [MC] Eatmeth did a mc player report

    Imagine @Mr Majestic doing cop reports :papega:, kinda like that 

  5. 9 50 mil bets in a row and won them all, lost 1 then left the casino
  6. Mar 10 + suppressor
  7. @Strae @Kedar May be obese, but he only still takes one spot


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. billdroid


      We don’t have room in delta. Look elsewhere, you don’t meet our requirements

    3. Kedar
    4. bummm


      Delta squad requires knowledge on the GB culture

  8. Want to trade 2 pocket mods for 1 pocket admin, need comp tickets done

    Pm for more info

    1. destruct


      Ooh deal where they at

  9. Blows my mind that SAPD have access to hawks and still cant use them, but a civ with limited experience can still whack

    1. Hunter


      becuse APD ar shitters and a zerg with low skill so they are shit at everything 

  10. Millions starved in the soviet union, like 20 million I think? Cuba almost started WW3
  11. I was just calling it early @Hurricane

  12. Escape whilst you have time
  13. Unjo

    Make sure there aren't more than 5 cops on at any time one server. We dont want those civs doing fed events doing fed season

    1. billdroid


      I don’t get it. Free money for corps+

    2. Unjo


      Unlucky redeploy too slow 

  14. Free Ravin from forums: ✅

    Free Ravin form cop: ❌


  15. hello am staff
  16. @decla Retard ive already paid you for this hawk
  17. Db overlord Also the rat that reported you for this Then you came in ts boasting how you didnt get banned for robocopping me you crackhead
  18. But doesnt tree have unimaginable amounts of bw gear already? @rabeed @Cats
  19. Mans angry that he got bullied in kav

  20. image.png.236dfff1c009c245dd8fc2a3047199ef.png

    Bohemias nightmare





    1. Strikke
    2. Rascal


      Catsmeow makes like 40 mil in 5 civilian hours-type beat

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