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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. "I wanted to see how long I could go without pooping. A week and a half later it hurt coming out."

    - @decla

  2. @Creepy happy birthday shitter

  3. Does anyone have any good recommendations on a good monitor? In the market to buy some.
  4. To lazy to read that. Whats it mean?
  5. This is why I said what I said. Admins can be playing with a gang and then think they got rdmed. The thing that sucks is now there is no proof backing him up that it was "RDM". And its now an innocent man vs. and admins word...
  6. Admins that witness a bannable offense should be required to save proof - Change my mind.
  7. I need people that play BF5

    1. Fuzz^


      And i need someone to fuck other than my sister but we all dont get what we want 

    2. Slumberjack


      I play! Love that game. hmu on TS if you wanna group up!

  8. go to your steam profile. right click and select view source. press ctrl + f type steamid copy the long number after the highlighted text
  9. no
  10. Me
  11. What is this "Fireaxe" under EMS Market ive never heard of???
  12. Mighty

    WTS Wz garage

    What server?
  13. Helipads will never be added to gang sheds (not balanced). How many cars can you store in a gang shed?
  14. Anything to lie about my age...
  15. I agree, make it longer than an hour!
  16. underglow was the December goal so it's most likely not coming out until the big monthly update
  17. Why can't medics bet :'(
  18. To all designers of the new medic skins, THANK YOU! They look fucking amazing!

  19. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/KCCO_4x4/#sort=order add me
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