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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. Damn bro, didn't have to roast me like that
  2. Shit, the RnR lost a good one today. You were by far one of my favorite boomers and a chill dude. Now enjoy e-retirement by taking the kiddos to a park or something.
  3. This could be a cool dynamic for rank progression TBH. Corporals get access to slick cars or slicktops with the bullbar, being able to use unmarked cars outside of undercover status if they have a police furniture on them, etc.
  4. You either die a smart fella or live long enough to see yourself become a fart smella.

  5. Fuck that, I want an invisible car.
  6. Good initiative, bad execution. Arma 3 is so old it's going to be starting middle school soon. At this point it's such a weird niche game with so much video content that in all likelihood anyone who would come due to a TikTok ad already owns the game. At this point, anyone getting this ad will undoubtedly already have seen drewski or sovietwomble clips, and if those haven't convinced them to buy the game I doubt the sub-par (sorry devs) vanilla RP server ad will move the needle.
  7. Fire Science Nutrition's Blue Raspberry Burn would just leave me itchy is hell and not have that much of an effect, every other pre workout I tried was similar, and since I like to alternate land days and swimming that shit would leave me feeling ill after a few laps. What does work for me is a nice shot of espresso with honey. Truth be told, you don't need supplements if you just want to get big, most of those giant guys shilling unregulated supplements are juicing, people could still get big naturally before the supplement industry got big and doing your daily 1 hour workout won't get you to that beast level even with expensive supplements. Eating a balanced diet and sleeping enough will give you better results than supplements without those two things.
  8. My brother in christ; how? There's only so much "roleplay" you can do sitting in Kav and talking to people that doesn't break medic or server rules, and not the most exciting shouldn't mean more boring than doing excel sheets. How about this; go lobby about taking casino and escort away from APD and then we'll talk.
  9. So what are medics supposed to do in those long ass stretches where nothing is going on? Or for that matter during most times below peak where there's only revives in Kav or more medics than revives. Yesterday I was on with 5 other medics, fuckall going on so me and a paramedic were sitting in a heli at air hospital watching Netflix and waiting for a call outside kav to come in, played for a solid 2 hours and got about 10 revives that entire time. DP missions don't pay enough to cover the insurance and pull cost on the aircraft to do them, viable revives aren't abundant outside small stretches and DP missions were the only thing filling those hours. Like myself and plenty of other Sr Medics have said, despite the complaints cases of legitimate dereliction of duty for side activities is close to non-existent. It's also funny how y'all say medics, the faction with the least gameplay opportunities should only do their one small mission, meanwhile you don't say anything when APD spend hours in Casino, goofing around or doing shit like escorts vs proactively patrolling.
  10. It's official, the RnR has now adopted a unified color scheme and streamlined it's brand identity.

    Thanks to the Sr RnR for all the support, @ Lime for the green light and @ notsodank for being a kickass partner throughout this project.

    It was a great experience and I'm extremely happy to see the RnR dripped out.

  11. Jesus H christ, minister carb went full sicko mode. Mang, I guess those 50+ hours on the RnR redesign are down the shitter now. Either way it's been fun and congrats on making it out. When I started to get the ball rolling on quitting I thought it was too late to make e-friends, you and the windows key enthusiasts proved me wrong and I'm happier for it. Go treat yourself to some coloring books and two juice boxes mr business major lime, you've earned it. And deadass best of luck on your new adventures, even if they involve the IRS in a capacity outside of tax evasion. also, Hell yeah we're gonna bring the shitposts to Nexus.
  12. Reforger uses a new engine that has switched in-engine scripts to the new Enforce language and the engine itself works with different frameworks. By BI's admission it's completely different, not very interchangeable with things made for A3. and has a learning curve. Right off the bat, it requires learning the new language, salvaging what's possible and having to re-do a lot from scratch. That's not a simple task, especially for the dozens to hundreds of scripts currently on the server and when you have to keep up with the heavy workload of development for the server, with a team of volunteers, part time, and not exactly a large one either. The game could be used as a testbed, but don't expect a server anytime soon, what little content there is, it's 100% military focused and as far as I know we don't even have any 3d artists to make the dozens of models for the game to be barely playable in an RP game mode. By being set in the 80s, a lot of things we take for granted will also have to be re-made from scratch or wait until a rudimentary version comes out from BI. The real goal is A4, but information on that is minimal. Like many have said, reforger is a glorified tech demo and test-bed for Enfusion, don't expect a server anytime soon, but as @ Ryan has already said and implied multiple times that when the time to transition comes, it will happen.
  13. The modding integration is awesome, but at 64 players being the cap and a lot of limitations on scripts, assets, maps and other stuff for consoles, I think it's a downgrade as is.

    Paying $30 for a tech demo and to be an engine tester for BI.

    1. Rafa


      I mean it is early access tbf

    2. buckie


      If BE makes it a 64 player limit these bozos can’t complain about expanding the server pop. @ Ryan  I bet he had a hand in this

    3. Snare


      already 150 player servers so it's not a hard cap

  14. I am simultaneously hyped but ready for a ton of disappointment.

    Thanks @ Jonesy  for bringing the news

    1. -dante-


      Logged in specifically to come post this. Arma 4 might take me out of retirement If that's the announcement 

    2. Ryan


      They are announcing their new launcher for all their BI games and reforger for pc and xbox. Not getting my hopes up unless they throw a curve ball out of nowhere. Will see though  🙂 

      Olympus will for sure be making that move to A4 if thats the case though.

  15. Deadass grinding duolingo on a Sunday night through xp spam because god forbid I don't make the top of the leaderboard in the QuIrkY owl app.

  16. Why does that dog look like it's gonna ask if I have games on my phone?
  17. See you man, by far the best corp rec (I think?) I put in. Best of luck in your crayon connoisseur/joint destroying adventures.
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