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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. It's been brought up plenty of times but never executed because it's not viable. The rules of use would make it a once in a blue moon thing making the certification useless or too frequent and piss off the civs.
  2. How does the hit system work with engagement? Is it normal engagement rules? Is there a system for civs to track hits that are out?
  3. HBD to my favorite vegetable @21Cabbage 

    1. Gaetano


      thank you ambassador 

  4. I start university tomorrow majoring in international relations.

    My professor sent out chapter 1 of the textbook for everyone to read by then and I'm simultaneously bored to tears and at the edge of my seat.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pledge


      Just tell them you know me and it will all be easy 

    3. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      Lmao, you're gonna get into international affairs? Just another retarded diplomat I guess, with your lack of braincells I hope you don't screw anything up. For the good of the United States of America please DO NOT make this your career path.

    4. Bloodmoon


      Generally, non stem = basically a high school degree

  5. In Arma the distances are wonky so it won't really help, if you haven't get a class or three with a driving instructor, they're the reason I passed my test on the first try.
  6. She gives off strong a teen mom/junkie vibe, very cool!
  7. It sounds low but you're not counting how much is stored in houses or sheds. Also feds can be won with strats, if civs get the gold but they don't knock out AA/ think of counters once the bomb blows then of course they'll get caught.
  8. As an APD motorman and head of the traffic unit I can positively say that the faster you go the cooler you are.
  9. Deadass I remember you being my instructor when sandman and I were going through the academy as derputies. O7, now nerdy and sandman finna be dep chiefs too.
  10. He's our mental retardation diversity hire, pay him no mind. While officers may not quote rules on duty simply asking for comp doesn't meet that standard. Unless he explicitly said the words RDM or referenced the rules in any other way your case is pretty weak.
  11. I remember fucking around with you when you were a Corp and bumming ridealongs as a vigi with you. Enjoy retirement friendo
  12. I wasn't that cop, but I am the only one on the server quite often. When you're alone you have no backup and it's normal for people paying off their bounties to take cops hostage if they know we're alone, I get it sucks but I wouldn't have gone either. Like they said, slap a bomb on the jail door so they're forced to respond then chill by door with your hands up, he won't have a choice in taking you in at that point.
  13. Medics should redistribute their wealth. Deadass without the money we'd barely have medics, when I was green gang I remember being bored as fuck most of the time but RnR is allergic to fun so the money's the only incentive.
  14. They're gonna use the money to set up a caliphate in Montana and force shakira law on everyone.
  15. Serious question, if DB denies everyone except them can medics just say fuck it and refuse to revive DB too?
  16. But I thought this was a "light RP server" I get why this may be annoying but if this is a light RP server it's a non issue. As a cop I welcome it, we're not allowed to fight back so if we need to surrender even if the 3 people have rooks then they shouldn't be able to leave us legged 10 minutes away from civilization. Cop rules have literally just been revamped to be more civ sided than ever, the current civ council wants Grand Theft ArmA for the whitelisted factions but wasteland for civs but guess what, if you start pushing for more RP some of it is bound to splash back on you.
  17. If you're in Alaska nanook is a pretty cool name based off Inuit mythology. Personally you can't go wrong with mythology based names, I have a 2 year old mali named Atlas and Greco Roman mythology has some pretty cool names.
  18. If you need someone feel free to reach out to me. I don't really know you but I'm here to listen if that's what you need.
  19. I didn't give him the name of the server but yeah, there was a donor reward that was really sketch so I went to see it was compliant. I love Olympus but selling in game rewards for donations that give an advantage is scummy and hurts everyone. I don't regret it because the ToS are clear and if the server chooses to break it they deserve to lose monetization. Olympus got shut down over the legacy donor bullshit and it's objectively better for it.
  20. I've talked to BI legal before extensively about monetization while helping another server and I've even contacted them when Olympus was doing some sketchy shit. BI has issues with selling money because it gives a direct in game advantage and if it's not outright banned server owners can abuse it to circumvent the policy (e.g. donating 100$ for a rank and the server owner just so happens to give you 50 mil as a token of appreciation as a friend and totally not staff) and it gives admins a to make unlimited gains. This isn't against the TOS because while the player will gain an in-game advantage it's no different than receiving 5 mil for selling a ghwak you won in a raffle or flying lessons.
  21. I recently had to write a 5000 word thesis so I'm all tuckered out writing wise but if you want I'll gladly review whatever you can come up with and spice up the language like I usually do for my friends.
  22. From what I was told the APD is still independent from civ council and ultimately answers only to senior staff/ Ares, this was closer to warning them out of courtesy and asking for feedback than a legally binding vote.
  23. APD finna raid warzone in tractors with kozlice's
  24. Tis but a scratch
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