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Status Updates posted by Scribble

  1. lel just made @Fedot rage quit teamspeak. Who won that troll off nerd lol

    1. Fedot


      understandable.... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    2. Scribble
  2. How to be a medic 101

    @Isaac Newton @FrenchieBois

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      How is that Arma in a nutshell? 

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      3 hours ago, DINGUSDEAN said:

      How is that Arma in a nutshell? 

      Cannot guarantee 100% sobriety this Halloween B) I probably meant to say Kavala in a nutshell. As in funny and unexpected shit happens

    4. Dangus


      That sounds like something that would make sense. Cause crashing going at least 125 km/h into a stopped vehicle will definitely cause some damage lol

  3. Looks like this guy tried to eat his soup with a fork again.


    1. proud


      Looks like me in the future

  4. So, I was just told by a vigi medics are rude, because we would't take the vigi to a rev that had a 1.4 mil bounty.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      thanks for having standards, would have been a scummy thing to do if you had. +1

    3. Scribble


      the vigi saw him die in side chat and wanted us to take him to him so he could vigi him. we told him no, then he got all salty

    4. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      My default answer to anyone wanting me as Medic to give them a ride to anywhere except the nearest garage or airport is no; any exceptions need to be well justified.  

  5. Medic life stream www.twitch.tv/TehJellyDonut


  6. This is why the cops don't come to your calls, they are very busy.


  7. Well, okay then


    1. Prime


      Sharing is caring I could use a couple MB on my download

  8. Just got a new graphics card this morning went from 970 to 1060 lets see if it makes a difference.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Scribble


      @Not Mac yea, i got rid of the 970SC now i have the 1060 SSC, but they 1070 was $200 more so i just went with one lower not a big deal

    3. Not Mac

      Not Mac

      whatever makes you happy in the end. But if it was me i would've saved the extra $200

    4. Scribble


      eh maybe next time

  9. Longest TS name ever lol


    1. Jordan540


      Should have see the teamspeak one year ago



    2. -dante-


      Yeah this is nothing compared to what names looked like regularly a year ago.

  10. Why are all my recent profile viewers cops? I've done nothing wrong, honest! Lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scribble
    3. Lord Wolf

      Lord Wolf

      I was APD at one point....PO.....too bad I was inactive after 90 hours :P@TehJellyDonut

    4. Kirith


      You are now under-arrest for fraud.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eggmasta


      Ok, first of all, I had just loaded in. Also, I asked the other cops in the channel about both of you and they said you were fine. So why don't you hek off.

    3. Scribble


      It's ok @eggmasta we still love you anyways <3

    4. eggmasta

    1. hesalittlerunaway


      ez fix perm all JSOC members

    2. Scribble


      Nah they're good people just not the smartest 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quinton


      18 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

      Jeez did Michael J. Fox film that?

      I was gonna say something like this, but he is the only person to post this on the forums for the others who may have missed it. 

    3. Scribble


      lol @Poseidon its very cold here

    4. QKSILVR73


      here is one I took IMG_1422.jpg

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