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rp slayer

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Status Replies posted by rp slayer

  1. soooo... i've heard we all going on a cruise?

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      I cant even make a post without people start roasting each other lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. so there are no more cartel fights for dominick to raid while on cop so he stops playing  :thinking:

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @L3SL13 k I got a msg to check forums bcs an irrelevant kid who works on mcdonald that plays a dead game tbh to me. well gz bud sorry for bullying you out of ambition and when I did you I remember u perfectly saying you kick me but nut pruuf and savage with ur thick lisps and the reason js obvious I've aleays played games for fun and I found no more fun in arma I got cheats in which tbh was fun asf and till now that I barely talk to anyone that played with me or that was friends with me in here some still consider me a friend even the ones that met me after I started cheating and for that I dont regret lol. I'm good without arma and hope everyone can be aswell I used to play hundreds of hours a week of this and when I look back I regret and now inb4 a reatrad says I aint reading that well yeah peace ^_^ 

      ps: the dominick thing was a joke never had anything against him except for him raiding cartels when I played aint got shit against anyone in this community since I got banned not even redmer lol.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  3. 60c95525d87efbbed927dabfb0056e41.png

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      i'll be back to post something else in a month or when i'm bored and have nothing else to do xx

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. proof @Dominick Ramosr hacks

    11.01.2018 212:19: Dominck  (171.874.189:22304) abb572d60d9d7c69f89476413b3f92cc - #9 " = 0;}; if (RuiningGangLifeESP==0) then {RuiningGangLifeESP=1;cutText [format["Esp Off"], "ONLY AIMLOCK"];hint "Aimlock (AlwaysOn)";}else{FuckGangLifeAdmin Log In}=0;Sleep, 15 [fucknbots"]-{;*Dominick*;}{*exclusive*}

  5. Tech help - 

    So, last night my computer was fine. Booted it down before I got off. Today I go to turn it on and everything (fans, cu, lights) turns on for a split second and then turns back off. Things like my keyboard remain on. Then pressing it does nothing unless I replug the power. I have tried re seating the ram, checking for anything between the MB and case, plugging it into a different outlet, and making sure the cpu fan was plugged accordingly. Any suggestions?

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      Do you have a no break? I've had an issue like yours a while ago my no break's power was low so I had to buy a new one as they only last around 2 -3 years usually.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. TV show recommendations 

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      Dark,The 100,Dexter,Stranger Things,shooter,black mirror,breaking bad 

      Dark is new and really good watched it all in a day :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. @rp slayer 


    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @hehexd didn't and who's that? you had to make a new account just to quote me lmao

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  8. @rp slayer 


    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      What's ur point with this post? Just whondering...

      @KrispyKreme not like it matters but I didn't have the cheats back then I only got them on the 29th and it was only 30day trial if someone actually think I could afford some shit like that they're pretty wrong

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  9. Roger the Kangaroo would fuck your bitch and make you watch 


  10. Cops raid Warzone on S2 with 13 cops. With what higher up? Dominick

    Prime & cL switch to S1 to fight and guess who follows and continues to raid Warzone Island for 2 hours? Dominick.

    This needs to changes. Its getting out of hand.

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      16 minutes ago, Jesse said:

      Not true. We (staff) do listen/read.

      Not saying yall don't listen but nothing has happened yet becuase sAPD think the way shit is right now somehow fair raiding 50 times cartels while there are fights

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  11. Cops raid Warzone on S2 with 13 cops. With what higher up? Dominick

    Prime & cL switch to S1 to fight and guess who follows and continues to raid Warzone Island for 2 hours? Dominick.

    This needs to changes. Its getting out of hand.

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      they wont do shit about it I've done post about this before people complain about gang life but then when there are fights 10 cops raid cartels for 2 hours non stop

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  12. defibs? @McDili

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @Proud well @Snare is my papa so he's ur big papa which doesnt chnage the fact u still need to call me big daddy in ts 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Anyone else about to have a lit Halloween? 

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      16 minutes ago, Ashur said:

      you dont have a door in a favela shack


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Anyone else about to have a lit Halloween? 

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      knock my door asking for candies and I'll shoot you in the neck

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. @Jesse updated warpoint learderboard?

    And when is warpoint clothing shop coming out?

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      5 minutes ago, Jesse said:


      What about clothing warshop?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Just when you think things were getting hot... https://imgur.com/a/whlKA

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @Peter Long @Strugglebus can we please have supreme hatchbacks / ifrits? they're dope af

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Can we apply restrictions to cop raiding cartels every second when there's clearly fights going on? especially when it's not even a sAPD but a fucking retarded admin

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      13 minutes ago, Snare said:

      Woah toxic!

      Constructive criticism is key.



    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. What gangs are left on this awful game now?

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @Snare jk chaotic died now its just prime and mt gang with jaconite that is ambition. Impulse and chaotic died after u left

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. What gangs are left on this awful game now?

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