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rp slayer

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Everything posted by rp slayer

  1. I guess my perm ban is the only one which will actually be perm haha

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SuWooP


      Lmao cant take heat by yourself? I see.

    3. Rossco


      Lmao cant take heat by yourself? I see

      mr @SuWooP I do not understand your subtle burn, please explain for those that are mentally deficient like myself

    4. SuWooP


      Idk he used to be different when he had rabid and goat.

  2. hi

    1. DeadPool


      Who'd you ddos now?>

    2. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      4 years later i`m reformed 

  3. Cameron was one of the nicest cops and probably one of the ones I've played most with on my around 400 hours. Never saw him talking shit to anyone and I'm pretty sure noone had anything against him. It's sad to see someone that is just like all of us that play games end up doing such a thing. Depression isn't a joke you might find funny posting on the forums or telling people to kys when you don't have depression but for people that do and that already consider doing so it can really make a difference. Cameron was one of the nicest guys with no doubt an EMT irl that saved lives took hiw own. Not like I'm anywhere relevant to someone read this but felt like I had to type in something for a funny guy like him.
  4. soooo... i've heard we all going on a cruise?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proud


      @DeadPool the funny part is u think this is actually gonna happen, god ur a delusional retard, fuck off my dads profile before u regret it

    3. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      I cant even make a post without people start roasting each other lol

    4. DeadPool


      I’ll send you group photos when we go stay tuned :DPEducated:

  5. so there are no more cartel fights for dominick to raid while on cop so he stops playing  :thinking:

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Joel.KX125


      Wish I could understand that <_<

    3. Promethus
    4. JebronLames


      8 hours ago, rp slayer said:

      well gz bud sorry for bullying you out of ambition and when I did you I remember u perfectly saying you kick me but nut pruuf and savage with ur thick lisps and the reason js obvious I've aleays played games for fun

      ive never had a harder time reading

  6. 60c95525d87efbbed927dabfb0056e41.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-
    3. Snare


      Wanna get carried in mm sometime ;)

    4. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      5 hours ago, rp slayer said:

      i'll be back to post something else in a month or when i'm bored and have nothing else to do xx

      Or don't 

  7. tonight 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud


      Hi dad. Luv u dad.

    3. Savage


      tonight the day you come back from shopping for 10 years?

    4. Tb:)


      he gets another ban evading account today

  8. o7 you deserve the best
  9. happy new year to everyone :)


  10. can't play if your offline... jk please no ban
  11. 21
  12. ENTER
  13. Now we all getting charged for cyberbullying by the fbi apparently thanks @Strugglebus xdxd


    @LuckySide792 kys

    1. Strugglebus


      you slit my wrists, I slit yours? 

    2. AccountDeleted4Good


      LoL Just wait until They have to give up your IP they u be loling. 

    3. DashTonic


      good thing for vpn

  14. Once again thanks to all the cops that ruined the cartel fights today :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savage


      War zone is all about no cops but those rats always find a way in

  15. @Jesse updated warpoint learderboard?

    And when is warpoint clothing shop coming out?

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      5 minutes ago, Jesse said:


      What about clothing warshop?

    2. Savage


      Bows lost arrow is my autistic brother help me

    3. proud


      This is what happens when I name my self @Bow

  16. Someone link me a new playlist This one is mine
  17. Can we apply restrictions to cop raiding cartels every second when there's clearly fights going on? especially when it's not even a sAPD but a fucking retarded admin

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. -Wolf


      I personally think APD shouldn't be allowed in warzone its aids when trying to get rebel life better and fights to happen when all of a sudden an suv full of cops slams right next to you.

  18. revival of gang life?
  19. stop acting like a lil bitch you did a post on another forum account bcs you didn't want anyone to know it was you and now that you got exposed ur acting like a lil kid saying u don't give a fuck if you actually didn't give a fuck you wouldn't even be posting so just stfu and stop complaining
  20. Happy birthday to my fav mexican @chino Brih ily <3

    1. chino bruh

      chino bruh

      Ayyyeee thanks buddy

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