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Status Replies posted by thor

  1. Im not thor, if I o7 im not coming back lol love you @thor

  2. Come watch my brother Joshua play Arma 3 for the first time:


  3. Any movie suggestions? preferable comedy but doesn't have to be

  4. @Greenbum Struck a nerve because I'd prefer someone not spell out the n word on the forums? Or was it because you got removed from Sergeant after being inactive? 

  5. 🤪🤪

    1. thor


      2 hours ago, SuWooP said:

      uh oh save our server

      you can save it by quitting

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. 7042507530c39eedf23cadc0be7747f2.png

    1. thor


      2 minutes ago, Jig said:

      damn it was me thats fucked up system

      no me no screenshot

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. 7042507530c39eedf23cadc0be7747f2.png

    1. thor


      5 minutes ago, SystemChips said:

      thor posted this first


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Neo vigi should be moved further from Therisa, change my mind.

    1. thor


      2 hours ago, Horizon said:

      then move athira vigi west of athira again and not near gravia 

      no? athira vigi is fine

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  9. Neo vigi should be moved further from Therisa, change my mind.

  10. 0ddc486bc55a8d5f1fff8525c11ad5ee.jpg 


    @Civillian Council wat yall think?

    1. thor


      1 hour ago, Montez said:

      its bumping but the shit on the back looks like some minecraft art


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. 0ddc486bc55a8d5f1fff8525c11ad5ee.jpg 


    @Civillian Council wat yall think?

    1. thor


      Negl I actually like it, just not that thing on the back

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. since the only person that could run civ council is gone can we bring back the civ rep system?

    also o7 @i win 😕

    1. thor


      9 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      if you were to vote for someone for civ rep who would it be?

      ye kinda hard to answer that one, considering no one has applied and I have no options to chose from.

      Can't really ask that Question, Civ Rep candidates always had to apply with a statement, so ye kinda hard to answer that, considering I have no clue who would apply and what their intentions would be.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. since the only person that could run civ council is gone can we bring back the civ rep system?

    also o7 @i win 😕

    1. thor


      @Millennium Probably cause Maj did a far better job than everyone else lol

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. since the only person that could run civ council is gone can we bring back the civ rep system?

    also o7 @i win 😕

    1. thor


      1? Think you mean 2.

      Civ Rep was far better system, 2 trusted members of the community (that was voted in by everyone) would go round and get ideas off of the community as a whole and push for the right changes.

      Idk if you're missing something but if you take a look at the council roster its full of aids randys that mostly bring up shit ideas (no offense 🤷‍♂️)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. seeing how most people on Olympus alcoholics myself included I was wondering what everyone is drinking today and what your favourite drink is mine is old J's cherry rum served as double neat 


  17. In London I guess u can report people online just like olympus and this guy rides on a bike and submits on people for going on their phone at a red light kinda like everyone on this server IRL

    if this guy pulled up to me i would have to rp break the go pro. someone @ who this is

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