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Developer II
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Everything posted by nicole

  1. this is a work of art, good work.
  2. What happened to women supporting women?
  3. When will the Senior Admins wake up and stop giving Mod out like candy? 🙈

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TapTap
    3. Millennium


      The waking up part may be a little trouble for them.

    4. Skys


      senior admins stay perma asleep unless they need to cover up something up that a mod/admin did

  4. Those are public channels I am in, meaning anyone can join I don't understand what you're trying to say.
  5. I was talking about what I did for Olympus...
  6. I make it a priority to play in a public channel whenever I am on cop, I am unsure where you're getting this from. Overall Stats - Monthly Sr. APD Name Squad Time Nicole Senior APD 38.83 I won't publicize anyone else's times, however, what I pasted above is our monthly statistics for Senior APD times and I was the 3rd highest the 1st and 2nd are both Sergeants. Last Week 2 Weeks Ago 3 Weeks Ago 4 Weeks Ago 5 Weeks Ago 6 Weeks Ago 7 Weeks Ago 5.18 12.77 5.48 15.40 16.62 8.82 26.45 Total Tests Officer 263 Nicole I will also leave this here, I currently have the most tests out of all the Senior APD. I am Senior SWAT, Senior Designer, and Developer and I still manage to make my times every week and deal with the responsibilities that come with being a Captain.
  7. Yes, you would need a SGT+ to go to the event for now. Yes, you must follow wave rule if the event enters a redzone.
  8. QoJisRc.jpg

    1. Clashingtin


      Yeah another medic skin…. Turn your badge in 

    2. monster
    3. Hazardous


      at least your on the correct faction this time 😬

  9. I cannot be bothered to argue anymore, I am sorry for all the pain and suffering I have caused with my Senior Designer whitelist. I will do better in the future if I ever get it back.
  10. I am just being honest, the RVMAT was removed and you guys were still messaging us that your FPS was dropping even after it was removed. That tells me it was clearly cope.
  11. No, it's not. The RVMAT was removed after the APD had asked even though it was clearly cope. Like I also previously stated if I am on civilian my APD rank means absolutely nothing, You guys spam teargas to lag our FPS at federal events all the time yet you're crying over a literal RVMAT that isn't known to cause that much FPS drop and if it did it's not my fault it's in the game. It's a reward for the work I put into the server.
  12. There is literally a screenshot of him bipod'd on a hatchback with a DMS that had a phantom skin. Sandman may be my best friend but I am not gonna take the blame for something he did. Just like I wouldn't expect him to take the blame for something I clearly did. I was allowed to use the aidsrainbow command on any vehicle as long as it wasn't phantom or mirror.
  13. Either way, I have lost my Senior Designer whitelist for the time being, which like I said previously I would accept as punishment. It was a lapse of judgment. This is the first instance EVER of me abusing my whitelist not sure where this "multiple instances" thing comes from, that was Sandman using a phantom hatchback at a fed.
  14. No, it wasn't me doing anything at fed it was solely Sandman.
  15. Sorry, I didn't mean supersede I meant a Chief of Police has the power to demote/promote anyone at any given moment.
  16. I am not standing up for Winters I am standing up for myself, it wasn't just an R&R skin it was also gold and shooting it's guns with a white name. It was purely cosmetic I should have been the one punished not the civilians who had no control over what I did. The Chief of Police can do whatever they want in-game with the ability to supersede, we took the fight knowing he wasn't on and knowing there was no possible legal way a supersede can occur without his permission, and yet it still happened and the reasoning is because of a skin?
  17. It's not invisible it's just hard to see, and it was IMMEDIATELY REMOVED and not seen by anyone. You didn't get whitelisted because it was hard to see you were whitelisted because it was R&R skin. I apologize for making it an R&R skin and once again am willing to accept ANY punishment by Senior Development.
  18. de·lu·sion·al adjective characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition.
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