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Everything posted by mohsen98

  1. lol.PNG


    1. Monks


      Yoooooooo @Jig congrats bruh

  2. Happy birthday @raykazi cute girl :ring:

  3. photo_2019-06-01_11-28-58.jpgeta on new Donations method

    1. Noahhh!


      I'll donate my ass to the staff team for free.

  4. price check on this nuclear weapon  🤣

    @Peter Long



  5. bull sheet rule
  6. mohsen98


  7. #fuck_apd

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I’m sure there are a lot of wasteland servers out there 😉 

  8. #remove useless vigilante Council w8 where is shitilante Council ??? Nothing about Vigis in the post
  9. #remove useless @|REAL| Boing form Civilian Council and make him kos for 1 Month 75% bounty payout (same as tier 4) bull sheet Mk20c Sand Variant (85k) mk20c have Same stats as TRG also TRG is 50k You're *%&#$*#... The only problem vigis have is they easily lose the license do something about it Tier 5 vigilante 200 arrests required and thats Because you have 200 arrest You change everything to your advantage and you want to be only tier 5 and You don't care about anyone else if you are not good enough just resign also What we Think About You
  10. Add a tier 5 vigilante 200 arrests required that's bullshit 200 arrests (The only problem we have is We easily lose the license Why don't you do something about it ) we dont need tier 5 200 arrests for Mk20c Adds the option to spawn at the Athira Vigi Outpost
  11. why we have Vigi council ?? bunch of retards #remove Vigi council Remove the rule: "If a player has been a victim of robbery or murder, that player may not return to seek revenge and send him/her to jail." ====dumb _l_
  12. https://tenor.com/uG9d.gif https://tenor.com/vHdR.gif Vigilante Council ARE TRASH useless boing
  13. @Tyrone you are very useless


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