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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hoonter

  1. Yeah cause having a vest Litterally called a Carboard Vest and sting vs 7.62 csats and t3 armour is being bad...
  2. uhhhhh how are you suppose to respond any situation with nlr and a 9mm
  3. APD attracts many different players from throughout the server and while you do have a quite active group of players who know each other and such there is always going to be the dude who's never been out of kavala till he got 28 hours and applied and went out with a PO to weed pro for the first time and I think many people forget that APD is not a gang we can't kick people for simply being aids or bad at the game we recruit people who have 100 hours not 1000.
  4. You try leading a squad of 14 people who you have never met and just talk over you during a fed might be lucky if they slam the same side of the fed when you call out slam here, let alone an individual tower.
  5. When u want to go on cop and have been waiting for like 10 minutes  https://gyazo.com/3f0059a372c43c2b29c96b070236e010

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeadPool


      you need help if you want to play cop that much

    3. ItsGG


      at that point u may as well just spam lmaoo

    4. MAV


      TBH I've tried it both ways and when I was doing it that way and friends were spamming, my friends got in first..

  6. APD internal affairs...

     Sounds like the apds version of like the SS

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -dante-


      1 hour ago, Arigato said:

      Or it’s just a way to make organizing reports easier lmao

      This. This is literally all it is. To separate the applications from the reports. 

    3. ikiled


      5 minutes ago, Dante said:

      This. This is literally all it is. To separate the applications from the reports. 

      I don't think he was serious :P

    4. Pledge


      Its basically our Gestapo

  7. Maybe nowadays but before the blackfish buff you would have fights at rebels and here and there with there always being a chance of either side winning now it is the bomb blows you watch the blackfish leave and tell gf to the boys in the channel and sit in lounge till the next federal event
  8. Sitting in a blackfish is skill wow that must be why all you're members are so good, the problem with the blackfish is that it is un-interactive theres very few things you can do to counter it if the bomb blows unlike back when trucks were the only thing you could use.
  9. Yeah im sure you guys really dug deep to find the blackfish buff
  10. The main use for blackfishes is feds like seen 2 doing runs sense the decrease in price
  11. We are winning the war against trident one rule change at a time lets go boys @zoomzooooooom @Mako @ChrisGG
  12. Why is this guy arguing like he is just another career cop god
  13. Fighting Feds's against 750k blackfishes and 35 people every day is pretty frustrating
  14. Should the APD be allowed to hover over blackfishes 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. obeymatt


      unless your gonna rotor tap it which u cant rotor tap a blackfish whats the point

    3. KrispyK


      put vectoring forward. fuck the apd and go verticle

    4. Apathy


      No they end up blowing it up half the time

  15. Hoonter


    Mcdili mentioned it at the civ portion of the staff meeting think its in the discussion about items at the bw
  16. Hoonter


    pretty sure there going to be craftable in the new system
  17. I understand the motives behind this decision but you have to remember many if not all of the people who are active lethals in the APD primarily only play Cop or play civ in a more administrative role. And all these orcas and shit have a cost associated with them
  18. Well can we get them to not cut between all the cops in the area then cause thats like 50k from a lethal unless you are the only/last cop alive... like if im pushing a tower with 6 other cops thats kinda aids like as a corporal who uses fed's to pay for insurance and shit this is really aids not sure if you could force it to split to only me and someone else or something like that but just does not seem. Lets say you are fighting a fed against trident and they all have 600k bounties give or take you have 5 other cops slamming with you. You push up get a lethal previously this would have given you each 100k okay how bout with this change now you are getting 33k if you get 5 lethals(Usually you get less or get people who have already been lethaled) during a fed all at max price which i most people are you are getting 150k where you were previously getting roughly 500k a very significant drop especially my main problem with how sudden of a drop it is. Like cop is no means about the money but really hurts to see this like now if I get tased but lethal 1 before being restrained or something with other cops around I mght not even have enough to rebuy my loadout you want to talk about getting buffing illegal well making it the primary source of income for corporals who can pull the vehicles that quickly and efficiently search them does not seem like its going to be that great.
  19. Titans are buffed on olympus
  20. Pm me on forums
  21. Pm if still intrested
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