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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hoonter

  1. Patrols officers when sAPD expands the corporal slots on the Chain of command


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ryan


      4 hours ago, Drama said:

      i cant wait for my promotion

      Not enough paypal to fix that one

  2. Or its cause this community and the gaming community in general is heavily male dominated with many in this community being racist, homophobic, and transphobic people
  3. We must be reading different dictionaries hold up "Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female." - The Oxford Dictionary "the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex" - Merriam-Webster Here It clearly shows that it was what I mentioned before this idea that what is masculine and what is feminine in the terms of society and culture, it also mentions the difference between sex and gender and how sex doesn't necessarily have to be associated with gender as a word. Also language is not a static thing once it is written down every one instantly agrees on it forever, launguage is constantly shifting and changing to suite the need of the population using it. You know you're right on this one my cat is a male or female but my cat also is stupid most of the time staring out windows and generally showing signs of lackluster intelligence and you know why because it is not a Intelligent being it can't solve the quadratic formula or tell you the names of the great men of history or explain why the silk road in the 1200 century fueled western markets. Im not saying there aren't places worse than Western society hell there is, but as a communist and as a Non-binary person I feel that this doesn't change the fact that maybe you and others should change you're thought process when looking at others not judging them by what they identify as but by who they are. Im not saying there are infinite genders in this discussion that seems like it might be pushing it but I am saying there are plenty who don't fall into the defined societal genders.
  4. Hmu when you have a real response to the arguement and arent just spewing toxicity towards other people and groups.
  5. Gender is a social construct of what each sex is excpected to "be" established through thousands of years of tradition and social customs and it is my belief as a Marxist Leninist who inherently is also a feminist that we must stray away from these traditions and gender norms. So I would say there is 2 genders currently accepted in western society and that there are those who feel they don't consider either to match who they are bringing us to have talks like this.
  6. 5 or you're a capitalist
  7. @Mako finally 13 congrats

  8. The [SCI] takeover is going to plan congrats @Strae

  9. this is just from the last 14 days... cause apd is broken
  10. o my what has my youtube feed become


    1. SPBojo


      a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png a2fbfec09cb0b283999a508f78f5eb00.png 

    2. gaz


      If you're are getting recommended nightcore we gotta problem

  11. Youtube playlists
  12. G
  13. Heya are you currently looking for any map designers or contributors?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH


      Oh btw @TheCmdrRex I hit retrieve account on accident when I entered the code so you MAYYYY get an email

    3. Hoonter
    4. darn fool
  15. Hoonter

    IM FREE!

  16. Stop posting traitors to the revolution
  17. Antisocial personality disorder (APD)

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