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Texture Designer
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Everything posted by maxg

  1. you made a post about this 3 hours ago, stop
  2. Congratz @Jester glad to see support team going in a positive direction, @Rossco I'm glad to see you come to the idea :wub:

    @tacosmell congratz on senior bud

  3. @Ryan, @TheCmdrRex, @destruct
  4. maxg

    sort of o7

    what a great corporal pick!!!
  5. I D O N T K N O W 

  6. I'm pretty sure @TheCmdrRex has explained this at least 20 times
  7. Congratz @SillySalami on Corporal!!!

  8. its time for victor test

  9. Are you also selling @Outcasts ghawk
  10. isn't fusah on a long ass loa?
  11. maxg


    who's next lmao. o7 btw
  12. @TheCmdrRex Happy Birthday! :wub:

    @Ryan happy birthday babe :wub:

    1. Ryan


      Thanks qt :wub:

  13. i didn't want a burnt turkey on my dick - @KGB JOSH 2k19

  14. do these happen to be s3 items?
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