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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Airborne

  1. @ikiled

    Happy birthday my fellow king. Good job on getting promoted from wiping the floors to making the rims on the chiefs car shine!

    Brush Hero Pro Review-Powered Cleaning Tool With Water-Saving

    As a birthday gift I'll be giving you 3,000 DAC so you can enjoy some nice time with D3US!

    1. Kedar


      Silence airborne 

    2. ikiled



  2. @ChrisGG @Hoonter

    1. Dicky
    2. Dicky


      Was a good fight tho!

  4. Happy birthday to grand wizard king of social engineers Rupert @rapidaax

  5. Happy birthday perhaps another bipod as a gift? @Rossco


    The APD is at its weakest point in years and there’s only one man for the job. Unlike previous chiefs @Hurricane is LARGE and IN CHARGE and ready to make the APD great again! #MAPDGA

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Millennium


      @ShoTime you don't want your dick to taste like cherry for your fiance? :kappa:

    3. Christoph


      he can't fit the chief spot 

  7. Airborne


    Vote trump 2020
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamikaze


      @Dante for a majority of those people Chris is the main reason they are even senior apd 🤣

    3. -dante-


      @Kamikaze that’s what makes it even more mind blowing tbh 😂

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      I still don’t quite understand everything here...just seems hella random

  8. It’s been a fun ride and I’ve had a great time over the past few years but I’m just not interested at all in playing or being apart of the administrative team any longer. I’ll occasionally be in TeamSpeak to talk with the boys but other than that I’m out. Now for the cliche part. @BenJI one of the coolest people I’ve ever met and I’ll always be down for discussion with you @rapidaax A person I thought was brain dead at first, who turned out to be GOD tier social engineer and a great friend. Good luck with your shit dog. @Eggmasta a og nigga. We grinded as pos and I’ll never forgot the senior support moments with Kyle being a spaz. @Chickenlittle I appreciate you for carrying me to sergeant and for being a great friend. I’ll never forget when @rapidaax and I were in s plane with you and he flew into rebel by accident and he straight held W to crash. @ChrisGG my nigga. Thanks for all you did with helping me out in the apd but more importantly thanks for being an og. @Fushigi fuck you @Rossco never forget the key to success is being successful. @hawk the dirtiest French Canadian I’ve ever met and make sure to never forget that the queen rules your lands o7
  9. God bless @Grego 's sister and her fat tits
  10. to the round table
  11. Retard
  12. What a train wreck of a season


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